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[Social] Dragarol, Lvl 86 Shaman

Posted: 22 Nov 2013, 00:10
by Dragarol
Who is your character?

Dragarol, Draenei Shaman.

Who are you?

Tobias, 22, Norway


/love critters! These are my favorite achievements. To hug & love creatures in the world which so rarely get the attention they deserve. I'm a casual gamer, and uses WoW to relax, so not doing much serious.

I also do other achievements!

Guild history:
Some random invites which you get when you start a new character these days.

I know, the guy who ganks his guildleader, Rodela/Ledor.. I did RAF with him, and obviously he told me that this guild, is the place to on Defias Brotherhood!

About you
3-4 years WoW break, but really excited about WoD and especially the player housing I'll enjoy mostly I think. Playing with IRL friends in the game is what I prefer, and I hope I get the chance to do that with joining The Raven Council.


Re: [Social] Dragarol, Lvl 86 Shaman

Posted: 22 Nov 2013, 00:36
by Jimmble
Thanks for your application. Please, give us some time to review it.

Re: [Social] Dragarol, Lvl 86 Shaman

Posted: 23 Nov 2013, 20:45
by Stukov
Your application has been accepted, please /w an officer for an invite.

Re: [Social] Dragarol, Lvl 86 Shaman

Posted: 29 Nov 2013, 18:35
by Jimmble