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[Social] Shaofswag, lvl 90 Hunter

Posted: 01 Oct 2013, 08:50
by Shaofswag
Who is your character?
Shaofswag, Human, Hunter.

Who are you?
Emil, 18, Sweden.

I like to quest, hunt for achievements and explore new content in a casual way. I'm not much of a hardcore raider but I like to do casual raids from time to time.
I also like to PvP, both in Arenas, BGs and RBGs, when I have time for it.

Guild history
I've been in a few other guilds on this server, none worth mentioning though.

I've seen you guys flying around Stormwind from time to time and I saw your little banner in the Guild Finder.

About you
I'm a web-developer student doing my final year in the swedish Gymnasium. On my sparetime I like to code websites and of course play alot of videogames. WoW has been close to my heart for soon 3 years, and many more to come, and I've played on many different servers during the years but Defias Brotherhood is the one I liked the most.

Those small witty creatures sent from above commonly known as Gnomes is right next to WoW in my heart. I love them.

Re: [Social] Shaofswag, lvl 90 Hunter

Posted: 01 Oct 2013, 09:01
by Jimmble
Thanks for your application. Please, give us some time to review it.

Re: [Social] Shaofswag, lvl 90 Hunter

Posted: 01 Oct 2013, 09:55
by Jimmble
Just like to add that since your character name is violating the character naming policy for RP realms, it is very likely your application will not be accepted.

I don't see any other problem with your application, however I am a bit concerned if you would feel home in a guild where overusing internet phenomenons like "yolo" and "swag" is not considered "cool". You would surely find this out in your trial membership, but as I mentioned, you might not get that far with this character name.

Re: [Social] Shaofswag, lvl 90 Hunter

Posted: 01 Oct 2013, 10:38
by Shaofswag
I do not consider it cool either, rather the opposite - I find it very geeky/nerdy to use such internet phenomenons. I have nothing against people that despise the words Yolo and Swag and I will very rarely use them in g-chat.
I chose the name because it's nearly impossible to get a good name and I wanted to mock all the different Sha's in WoW. To be honest, almost all names that do not violate the naming policy are taken, unless you want to add any of these symbols: ´ ` ¨ ^ etc. I do not like using such symbols in my name as it doesn't look as legit, imo.

Re: [Social] Shaofswag, lvl 90 Hunter

Posted: 01 Oct 2013, 10:50
by Stukov
Shaofswag wrote:To be honest, almost all names that do not violate the naming policy are taken
Not really... just no...
If you need a hand with creating a name for your toon and cannot get the benefit of using various internet resourses or whatever - feel free to ask for tips :)

Re: [Social] Shaofswag, lvl 90 Hunter

Posted: 01 Oct 2013, 12:20
by Guest
Stukov wrote:
Shaofswag wrote:To be honest, almost all names that do not violate the naming policy are taken
Not really... just no...
If you need a hand with creating a name for your toon and cannot get the benefit of using various internet resourses or whatever - feel free to ask for tips :)
As a semi-RPer; Yes. Unless you're REALLY creative. I mean, I can easily come up with names for other races, but humans? Nope.

Re: [Social] Shaofswag, lvl 90 Hunter

Posted: 01 Oct 2013, 13:16
by Shaofswag
Regardless, in the end, it's up to you :)

Re: [Social] Shaofswag, lvl 90 Hunter

Posted: 01 Oct 2013, 13:36
by Jimmble
I am terrible with names, that's why I have 4 gnomes with the same name.

Your character name might be good for a non-RP realm, but not for Defias Brotherhood. Consider changing it and contact us if you're still looking for a guild.

Re: [Social] Shaofswag, lvl 90 Hunter

Posted: 27 Feb 2014, 13:01
by Jimmble
<not recruited>