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[Social] Lathias, Lvl 58 Death Knight

Posted: 25 Sep 2013, 16:48
by Guest
Who is your character?

My characters name is Lathias, a dwarven Death Knight. ... ias/simple

Who are you?

Greetings all!
My name is Paul, I’m 33 years old and from the Netherlands.


I’ve played in a PVE setting for very long now and still enjoy the team effort in getting that bosskill.
Yet over the years progression raiding has taken a backseat.
Maybe it’s an age thing?
PVP is something I have always wanted to try but never got around to.
I sport alot but am usually on a daily basis.

What do you hope to gain as a member of The Raven Council?

Mainly I would like to find a friendly Alliance enviroment in which I and my friend can play together and make new friends.
I wouldn’t mind being able to join / help in PVE encounters such as guild flex raiding or an helpful filler.
And try a bit of PVP or even a bit of RP’ing.

The Raven Counsil seems to be able to cater all of my desires! WAHOOOO!

What do you hope to give as a member of The Raven Council?

I’m a teamplayer at heart, always willing to help others in general.
Ofcourse even more so for those under the same banner as myself.
So helping others with quests, achievements, old raid content, mats, etc, etc, etc.

Guild history

I started in a guild called Fatality back on Steamwheedle Cartel and played there for years as recruitment and classofficer until the guild merged with a guild Bad Eggs.
The numbers on the Horde side started to dwindle and at the same time an old schoolfriend asked me to join their guild Vita Luna on Bloodhoof in a more progession-orientated raid setting.
I said farewell to my servermade friends and joined Vita Luna on Bloodhoof
Again I retook my mantle of recruitment officer and started to develop a keen eye for talented players.
Maybe even to a great extent as they started to grow beyond their means.
The two raiding teams slit into two guilds, Vita Luna and Bloodcult.
At that time the numbers on the Hordeside of Bloodhoof started to dwindle as well and in June Vita Luna decided to jump server to Draenor.
I moved multiple chars over we’ve been there for about a few months now.
Highly populated, the que’s while trying to login are huge after 19:00 (1300 and pending!).
My best friend (he’s also in Vita Luna) and I enjoy our playtime together and these que’s made us decide to look for a server so we can play together without que downtime.
As we have both been Horde since 2004 and it would be nice to see content from the Alliance side.


I’m pretty new to the server and saw the guild name pass a few times and it stuck with me.
Alas I do not know anyone in the guild (yet), but give me a chance and you’ll never forget you’ve met me *puts on a doctor Evil laugh*.

About you

I started playing back in 2004 and been playing my rogue all the way up to Siege of Orgrimmar.
Raiding started back in Karazhan and to my recollection the best raid evahhh!

Lathias the Bloodelf rogue aka Letherboi: ... ias/simple

In real life I’ve been a designer that made a nice transition to webdevelopment and I’ve have been in this line of work for the last ten years.
Since recently I decided to make a career switch and I am currently between jobs.

Originally born in South Africa and father to a daughter of 11 years old.


Weren’t those the lil thingies meant for lunch? Or the early morning statues meant to be run over?
(Oops old Horde sentiment there)

Re: [Social] Lathias, Lvl 58 Death Knight

Posted: 25 Sep 2013, 17:09
by Jimmble
Thanks for your application. Please, give us some time to review it.

Re: [Social] Lathias, Lvl 58 Death Knight

Posted: 25 Sep 2013, 17:46
by Jimmble
Your application has been accepted, please whisper an officer for a /ginvite.

Re: [Social] Lathias, Lvl 58 Death Knight

Posted: 25 Sep 2013, 18:07
by Guest
I'm in I'm in I'm in!
Whoooop! *pops the party gizmo's*

Re: [Social] Lathias, Lvl 58 Death Knight

Posted: 25 Sep 2013, 18:14
by Jimmble