[Social] Holyism, lvl 15+ Paladin
Posted: 15 Sep 2013, 20:26
Who is your character?
Holyism, human paladin.
Who are you?
Dejan, 27, Slovenia.
I like to do raiding and PvP in equal measure.
Guild history
The Four Kings (got invited almost instantly when I created this character).
My friend Frydes, whom I know in-game for 6 years now, recommended me to join this guild.
About you
WoW career: Started playing in April 2005, raided quite seriously in Vanilla (AQ40 up to C'thun and 3 bosses in old Naxx) and later on PvPed in arena (2100+ rating) throughout the whole TBC expansion. Played through entire WoTLK focusing both on PvE (up to Lich King) and PvP (2150+ rating) but at the end of WoTLK decided to start playing very casually throughout Cata. Because of real life issues I stopped playing when Pandaria hit but now I've found some spare time again and so I've started playing WoW yet again.
Personal life: I'm 27 years old, currently finishing my BA thesis (Analyzing security of communication protocols used in digital radio networks) from Computer Science course. I'm self-employed (freelancer) as a developer for complex digital radio systems (Motorola etc.). When I'm not furiously coding and/or raging over my own stupidity of not regularly writing code comments, I enjoy doing workouts at the gym since bodybuilding is my hobby.
Q: How did the gnome explain how his helicopter crashed?
A: He said it was getting cold, so he turned off the ceiling fan.
Holyism, human paladin.
Who are you?
Dejan, 27, Slovenia.
I like to do raiding and PvP in equal measure.
Guild history
The Four Kings (got invited almost instantly when I created this character).
My friend Frydes, whom I know in-game for 6 years now, recommended me to join this guild.
About you
WoW career: Started playing in April 2005, raided quite seriously in Vanilla (AQ40 up to C'thun and 3 bosses in old Naxx) and later on PvPed in arena (2100+ rating) throughout the whole TBC expansion. Played through entire WoTLK focusing both on PvE (up to Lich King) and PvP (2150+ rating) but at the end of WoTLK decided to start playing very casually throughout Cata. Because of real life issues I stopped playing when Pandaria hit but now I've found some spare time again and so I've started playing WoW yet again.
Personal life: I'm 27 years old, currently finishing my BA thesis (Analyzing security of communication protocols used in digital radio networks) from Computer Science course. I'm self-employed (freelancer) as a developer for complex digital radio systems (Motorola etc.). When I'm not furiously coding and/or raging over my own stupidity of not regularly writing code comments, I enjoy doing workouts at the gym since bodybuilding is my hobby.
Q: How did the gnome explain how his helicopter crashed?
A: He said it was getting cold, so he turned off the ceiling fan.