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app - healer

Posted: 03 Sep 2013, 11:59
by Psiha
Who is your character?
Psiha, discipline priest, ... iha/simple.

Who are you?
Ivana, 27, Slovenia. I have studied literature and linguistics and have a master's degree and thinking about a phd. Right now I'm finishing my studies for teaching purpouses, as my program didn't involve this line of proffessional work. I like reading, watching movies and tv show, gaming, paying tennis, volleyball, running, joga, travelling, dancing .. probably much more, but I can't remeber now. :P

Which of our two raid groups are you applying for?
Acctually I don't know which group I'm applying for. Yesterday, when Adrimalek /w me, I didn't ask him, couse I didn't know you had two groups. Sorry.

Raid role
My current role is a healer, but I can switch roles and characters if needed. In my previous guild I played malee first, then switched charachter couse my guild needed me to. I prepare for raiding by watching guides (like fatboss), looking on forums and/or looking in dungeon journal. I try to do my best in raids, try to be focused, to apologize and admit when I make a mistake and always to fix what I'm doing wrong for the next raid, if it's not possible in the current one. I like and support constructive critisism, but don't like judgement and arrogant people.

I have cleared Dragon Soul (N/HC) when it was current content. Last patch I cleared 6/6 MSV, 4/6 HoF ( ... lka/simple) and 3/4 TOES ( ... ika/simple). It's a little bit messy, cos I then played in the guild mainly with my alt, and when the patch came I switched to horde, couse of some problems with leading in my previous guild (was a national, just slovenian guild and we were having problems with incoming people, lack of it). So this patch I just have 3/12N. :(

Off-specs and Alternative characters
One alt is Motovilka, link is up. I then switched specs on rouge, from combat to assasin and then class, couse of healing needs as I explained before. I have another 90 warrior ( ... ika/simple) that I lvled couse the guild needed tanks, but sincerly don't like tanking or tanking with warrior, I don't acctually know, couse I never tanked with anything else. Maybe bear would be fine, couse it's so cute :P.

I have mic and if needed I can install any voice chat. I'm comfortable with using everything. Yes, it's nice to talk about stuff.

World of Logs stuff
I'm sorry I can't link you any world of logs stuff, cos I never got around how to use it. I tried once, but never understood it. And noone never explained it to me ..

Guild History
I mainly have been with Regnum Carantanum. I joined them becouse I saw online that they are a Slovenian guild and as I didn't know really how to play (I started playing games really late in my life) I was happy I could talk with people in my own language. Mainly I explained before why I left, some leading issues and too much stress. :P

Raid availability
For now I can make all raid days.

Adrimalek /w me yesterday. :)

About you
I hope it's enough what I wrote before under the second question, if you need anything else, I will gladly answer. :)

I would just like to explain why I'm undergeared. Just before the patch I switched to horde side, so I left these two characters untouched and before summer I stopped playing at all and came back a couple of weeks ago .. and as my luck goes, then my comp broke, so I'm on a really old comp now, waiting to get the component from store. Hopefully this week, so they said yesterday. :) I hope I will not disappoint if you give me a chance, if not, ty anyway. Have a nice day. :)

Re: app - healer

Posted: 03 Sep 2013, 13:19
by Jimmble
Thanks for your application. Please, give us some time to review it.

Re: app - healer

Posted: 03 Sep 2013, 17:02
by Jimmble
Your application has been accepted, please whisper an officer for a /ginvite.

Re: app - healer

Posted: 03 Sep 2013, 17:50
by Jimmble