Human Paladin with heirlooms
Posted: 29 Aug 2013, 23:31
Who is your character?
[Igotcha,level 5 Human Paladin.My paladin has heirloom items.I'll prefer Retri.]
Who are you?
[My name is Mert. Im 20. Im from Turkey Im studying at Anadolu University.]
Which of our two raid groups are you applying for?
[Im level 5 But I'll prefer RG1 (level 90)]
Raid role
[I have DPS heirlooms and Tank heirlooms also.. But Im level 5]
[I join lots of raids with my 90 lvl DK ( another realm) ]
Off-specs and Alternative characters
[I have mic and webcam.]
Guild History
[I played another realm.]
Raid availability
[Can you generally make all of our raiding days (for either RG1 or 2), or are there any difficulties with this? Our raid schedules are found -here-.]
About you
[Im a student also working for Inditex Co. And I really love play WOW.]
[Igotcha,level 5 Human Paladin.My paladin has heirloom items.I'll prefer Retri.]
Who are you?
[My name is Mert. Im 20. Im from Turkey Im studying at Anadolu University.]
Which of our two raid groups are you applying for?
[Im level 5 But I'll prefer RG1 (level 90)]
Raid role
[I have DPS heirlooms and Tank heirlooms also.. But Im level 5]
[I join lots of raids with my 90 lvl DK ( another realm) ]
Off-specs and Alternative characters
[I have mic and webcam.]
Guild History
[I played another realm.]
Raid availability
[Can you generally make all of our raiding days (for either RG1 or 2), or are there any difficulties with this? Our raid schedules are found -here-.]
About you
[Im a student also working for Inditex Co. And I really love play WOW.]