Heliosphan - 90 Warrior Prot
Posted: 10 Jul 2013, 12:11
Who is your character?
Name: Heliosphan
Class: Warrior
Spec: Protection
Armory Played with this poo shield since release and nothing have dropped (except that one time when I was on vacation)
Who are you?
Name: Magnus
Age: 20
From: Sweden
Which of our two raid groups are you applying for?
I saw on WoW Progress that you were recruiting a tank for your RG1 (not sure if it's outdated). And RG1 was what I was hoping for. I am willing to stay in my current 25man guild and gear up if you think I don't have the gear yet. Or play in RG2 to gear up for RG1.
Raid role
Holding aggro and taking as little damage as possible is my main goal. Preparing with flasks (and my own food if its necessary). I lurk around in many different and weird forums and I'm always excited when something that can increase my tps/dps is revealed. But the best sites I know are http://www.femaledwarf.com/ when I raided as a hunter in WotLK and http://www.ownedcore.com/ to look for exploits in boss fights.
All these progresses was done before nerfs (in other words it was current content)
The (number) indicates optional/extra bosses
Vanilla (as Rogue)
Molten Core 10/10
Onyxia's Lair 1/1
Blackwing Lair 8/8
Zul'gurub 8/8
Ruins of Ahn'qiraj 6/6
Temple of Ahn'Qiraj 0/6(5)
Naxxramas 0/15
The Burning Crusade (as Rogue in Karazhan and then Resto Druid in the rest. Also got Merciless Gladiator as Resto Druid if that matters)
Karazhan 11(1)/11(1)
Gruul's Lair 2/2
Magtheridon's Lair 1/1
Serpentshrine Cavern 6/6
The Eye 4/4
Black Temple 9/9
Hyjal Summit 5/5
Zul'aman 6/6
Sunwell Plateau 1/6
Wrath of the Lich King (as Resto Shaman and Hunter for the first tier and as Hunter for the other tiers. The gap is me taking a break from WoW. And the bad progress in the end is me joining a poo guild who couldn't play.)
Naxxramas 15/15
Obsidian Sanctum 1/1
Eye of Eternity 1/1
Vault of Archavon 4/4
Ulduar 0/14
Onyxia's Lair 0/1
Trial of the Crusader 0/5
Icecrown Citadel 7/12 HC 1/12
Ruby Sanctum 1/1
Cataclysm (mostly played casually and did some pvp)
Baradin Hold 3/3
Bastion of Twilight 0/4(5)
Throne of the Four Winds 0/2
Blackwing Descent 0/6
Firelands 0/7
Dragon Soul 0/7
Mists of Pandaria (Warrior Tank)
Mogu'shan Vaults 6/6 HC 1/6
Heart of Fear 6/6
Terrace of Endless Spring 4/4
Throne of Thunder 12/12(1)
Off-specs and Alternative characters
Have not gotten gear as OS for the warrior since I've only been tanking and the guild didn't need me to dps.
Rogue (Only pvp)
Druid (70 twink in Cata)
Mage (Nothing really)
Hunter (Raiding in WotLK and pvp)
I don't have any problem in communication in anyway.
World of Logs stuff
Never really used it. Just looking around and checking others dps etc.
Guild History
Latest guilds have been NollTvåTre on Frostmane (currently rank 85 in the world). Just In between November/December I had to quit WoW due to RL reasons and that's the reason I didn't progress any heroics with the guild except Stone Guards once. And now recently when I came back from a 6 month brake I transferred my warrior and joined High Definition to play with my irl friend Babýcake.
Raid availability
I can play Monday-Friday from 18:00 - until raid ends. On weekends I can play when ever.
As my friend Babýcake was applying to you I checked you guys up on WoW Progress and as I said before saw that you guys were recruiting a tank for RG1.
About you
I work as an IT technician in a Swedish online casino company called Betsson. I like to exercise my guns at the gym and play WoW. (And by guns I mean my abnormally large arms.)
I also play BF3 and Dota 2 if anyone want to play some games. And if you got any questions regarding anything you poke me in game or answer in this post.
Name: Heliosphan
Class: Warrior
Spec: Protection
Armory Played with this poo shield since release and nothing have dropped (except that one time when I was on vacation)
Who are you?
Name: Magnus
Age: 20
From: Sweden
Which of our two raid groups are you applying for?
I saw on WoW Progress that you were recruiting a tank for your RG1 (not sure if it's outdated). And RG1 was what I was hoping for. I am willing to stay in my current 25man guild and gear up if you think I don't have the gear yet. Or play in RG2 to gear up for RG1.
Raid role
Holding aggro and taking as little damage as possible is my main goal. Preparing with flasks (and my own food if its necessary). I lurk around in many different and weird forums and I'm always excited when something that can increase my tps/dps is revealed. But the best sites I know are http://www.femaledwarf.com/ when I raided as a hunter in WotLK and http://www.ownedcore.com/ to look for exploits in boss fights.
All these progresses was done before nerfs (in other words it was current content)
The (number) indicates optional/extra bosses
Vanilla (as Rogue)
Molten Core 10/10
Onyxia's Lair 1/1
Blackwing Lair 8/8
Zul'gurub 8/8
Ruins of Ahn'qiraj 6/6
Temple of Ahn'Qiraj 0/6(5)
Naxxramas 0/15
The Burning Crusade (as Rogue in Karazhan and then Resto Druid in the rest. Also got Merciless Gladiator as Resto Druid if that matters)
Karazhan 11(1)/11(1)
Gruul's Lair 2/2
Magtheridon's Lair 1/1
Serpentshrine Cavern 6/6
The Eye 4/4
Black Temple 9/9
Hyjal Summit 5/5
Zul'aman 6/6
Sunwell Plateau 1/6
Wrath of the Lich King (as Resto Shaman and Hunter for the first tier and as Hunter for the other tiers. The gap is me taking a break from WoW. And the bad progress in the end is me joining a poo guild who couldn't play.)
Naxxramas 15/15
Obsidian Sanctum 1/1
Eye of Eternity 1/1
Vault of Archavon 4/4
Ulduar 0/14
Onyxia's Lair 0/1
Trial of the Crusader 0/5
Icecrown Citadel 7/12 HC 1/12
Ruby Sanctum 1/1
Cataclysm (mostly played casually and did some pvp)
Baradin Hold 3/3
Bastion of Twilight 0/4(5)
Throne of the Four Winds 0/2
Blackwing Descent 0/6
Firelands 0/7
Dragon Soul 0/7
Mists of Pandaria (Warrior Tank)
Mogu'shan Vaults 6/6 HC 1/6
Heart of Fear 6/6
Terrace of Endless Spring 4/4
Throne of Thunder 12/12(1)
Off-specs and Alternative characters
Have not gotten gear as OS for the warrior since I've only been tanking and the guild didn't need me to dps.
Rogue (Only pvp)
Druid (70 twink in Cata)
Mage (Nothing really)
Hunter (Raiding in WotLK and pvp)
I don't have any problem in communication in anyway.
World of Logs stuff
Never really used it. Just looking around and checking others dps etc.
Guild History
Latest guilds have been NollTvåTre on Frostmane (currently rank 85 in the world). Just In between November/December I had to quit WoW due to RL reasons and that's the reason I didn't progress any heroics with the guild except Stone Guards once. And now recently when I came back from a 6 month brake I transferred my warrior and joined High Definition to play with my irl friend Babýcake.
Raid availability
I can play Monday-Friday from 18:00 - until raid ends. On weekends I can play when ever.
As my friend Babýcake was applying to you I checked you guys up on WoW Progress and as I said before saw that you guys were recruiting a tank for RG1.
About you
I work as an IT technician in a Swedish online casino company called Betsson. I like to exercise my guns at the gym and play WoW. (And by guns I mean my abnormally large arms.)
I also play BF3 and Dota 2 if anyone want to play some games. And if you got any questions regarding anything you poke me in game or answer in this post.