[Raider] Exmortis, Lvl 90 Assassination Rogue
Posted: 01 Jul 2013, 22:11
Who is your character?
Name: Exmortis
Class: Rogue
Spec: Assassination (PvE) / Subtlety (PvP)
Race: Night Elf
Armory: Click
Who are you?
Hi. My name is MiĆosz. I'm 30 years old. I live in Poland, where I work as a lead artist in an advertising agency.
Which of our two raid groups are you applying for?
I would raid often than 2 times per week so I think RG1 should be better choice. But I realize that my eq isn't sufficient yet. So I choose RG2 as my target.
Raid role
Melee dps docused on single target with Tricks damage buff. I keep up to date with help of a lot of websites and Youtube. Sometimes I read full path notes ;)
Cleared full MV Normal, HoF Normal 4/6, TES Normal - last boss only, TOT Normal 1/12
Off-specs and Alternative characters
Switching talents and glyphs isn't a problem for me. Switchig to Combat spec - unnecessary.
I have one alt - Frost Mage - alternative for PvP, still leveling.
I have mic, TS3, Mumble, Skype and I have nothing against new communicators if they'll be required.
World of Logs stuff
I haven't used this before.
Guild History
Long story... I'll skip some not important parts...
I started on Sporeggar server when WotLK comes out.
#1 Snow and Blood (ex. Domina Polonia) - my 1st real guild after decision to level up that little twink rogue :) Most of time as a social/pvp player.
#2 Shrike - officer, primary member of rbg team
#3 Snow and Blood - again, after 1y break when Shrike moved to Defias Brotherhood, social player
#4 Tabula Rasa - on Defias Brotherhood, raider
Raid availability
I live alone. WoW is my hobby so i spend most time with it. Every day is a good day to play.
I've found you at wowprogress.com and I don't know anyone in guild.
About you
Currently on 29 place best dps of all realm rogues (via wowprogress). Skilled as an ex-pvper and fast learning raider. I like drink beer while playing, meetings with friends, girls... I'm not nolife. I just like WoW :)
Name: Exmortis
Class: Rogue
Spec: Assassination (PvE) / Subtlety (PvP)
Race: Night Elf
Armory: Click
Who are you?
Hi. My name is MiĆosz. I'm 30 years old. I live in Poland, where I work as a lead artist in an advertising agency.
Which of our two raid groups are you applying for?
I would raid often than 2 times per week so I think RG1 should be better choice. But I realize that my eq isn't sufficient yet. So I choose RG2 as my target.
Raid role
Melee dps docused on single target with Tricks damage buff. I keep up to date with help of a lot of websites and Youtube. Sometimes I read full path notes ;)
Cleared full MV Normal, HoF Normal 4/6, TES Normal - last boss only, TOT Normal 1/12
Off-specs and Alternative characters
Switching talents and glyphs isn't a problem for me. Switchig to Combat spec - unnecessary.
I have one alt - Frost Mage - alternative for PvP, still leveling.
I have mic, TS3, Mumble, Skype and I have nothing against new communicators if they'll be required.
World of Logs stuff
I haven't used this before.
Guild History
Long story... I'll skip some not important parts...
I started on Sporeggar server when WotLK comes out.
#1 Snow and Blood (ex. Domina Polonia) - my 1st real guild after decision to level up that little twink rogue :) Most of time as a social/pvp player.
#2 Shrike - officer, primary member of rbg team
#3 Snow and Blood - again, after 1y break when Shrike moved to Defias Brotherhood, social player
#4 Tabula Rasa - on Defias Brotherhood, raider
Raid availability
I live alone. WoW is my hobby so i spend most time with it. Every day is a good day to play.
I've found you at wowprogress.com and I don't know anyone in guild.
About you
Currently on 29 place best dps of all realm rogues (via wowprogress). Skilled as an ex-pvper and fast learning raider. I like drink beer while playing, meetings with friends, girls... I'm not nolife. I just like WoW :)