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Panda Monk in leveling! Social application

Posted: 29 Sep 2012, 21:21
by Zeente
Hey there guys! I would like to apply as a social member to The Raven Council. I've seen some of your guild recruitement posts in trade chat from time to time and I looked you up on and it seems like you guys are some serious and skilled bunch of people! I saw you wanted to get some questions answered about your memebers from the stickied post so here goes!

What is your character's name, race, class and level?
Zeente, Pandaren male, Monk, currently 77 slowly making my way up to 90!
Is this character your main character? Have you had any other characters before this one?
I have 7 lvl 85 characters and I tend to switch alot depending on what I feel like playing, although my monk will probably be my "main" for a while. I have been playing my 85 druid "Bloomz" the most in cata I belive
Why <The Raven Council> and not any other guild?
I want a nice level 25 guild with members who actually use the guildchat and are friendly and nice as a guild. The guild I'm currently in is only there for the perks and that's it. I might even join a few raids with you guys if that's possible/accepted at 90!
Where (or from whom) did you hear about <The Raven Council>?
I searched for top guilds on Defias on and saw raven council being on the first page for Defias, so I did a /who for you guys and asked Celindra if you guys recruit social members, and he/she (sorry don't really know you lol) told me to apply here!
Who are you? (please tell us a little about the real life you).
My name's Marcus, I'm 22 years old from Stockholm, Sweden. Been playing WoW since final beta pretty much off and on. I was in the third best guild on my server back in vanilla and cleared all content until I stopped playing midway through AQ40, so I never saw the vanilla naxx :( I have a job at a hospital just south of Stockholm as an administrator at the moment, but I spend most my time playing video games pretty much. I'm also an avid fan of E-sports such as Starcraft II and Dota 2. I also play some Dota 2 occationally.

Well hope that covers everything! If you got any more questions hit me up in game, ingame name Zeente!
Looking forward to hearing from you guys

Best regards, Zeente

Re: Panda Monk in leveling! Social application

Posted: 29 Sep 2012, 22:34
by Jimmble
Thanks for your application. Please give us a bit of time to review it.

Re: Panda Monk in leveling! Social application

Posted: 29 Sep 2012, 22:55
by Jimmble