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Gnome warrior

Posted: 24 Sep 2012, 01:29
by Haò

Character: Haò, lvl 85 gnome fury warrior.

(2) This is my main character. I also have a 85 priest, 85 paladin on Defias Brotherhood. I will also lvl a Munk when MoP is finally a reality.

(3) I am looking for a friendly guild who will be raiding in MoP.

(4) Your good warlock, Zeatrix. I did some raiding with him a while back.

(5) I am 20 years old, from Norway. I have end game raiding experience, played WoW on and off for 6-7 years.
Was guild leader a short year ago before I took a break, 7/7 FL. :)

Re: Gnome warrior

Posted: 24 Sep 2012, 15:18
by Jimmble
Ni hao, Haò!

Thank you for your application. First, Zeatrix is not a good warlock. He is evul! Second, your application is kinda SHORT, even for a gnome. Would you mind expanding it a bit, so we can be sure you are a good gnome, not an evul. Like Zeatrix. He incinerated my chikin! If you need help with your app, you can always steal ideas from the other apps.

Jimble Quikfizzix, king and recruitment officer

Re: Gnome warrior

Posted: 30 Sep 2012, 14:53
by Jimmble
<not recruited>