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Honok the Frost Mage reporting for duty!

Posted: 17 Sep 2012, 23:00
by Honok
Yo The Raven Council!

I'm gonna make it simple for me and just follow the questions you want =)

What is your character's name, race, class and level?
- I'm Honok, a human frost mage in full, brightly shining lvl 85 (soon to be lvl 90)

Is this character your main character? Have you had any other characters before this one?
- This is and have always been my main! I'm more of a one char player and I don't have any alts on this server! I started playing when this game was just a week old on the Server Dunemaul. Then I transfered to Talnivarr during WotlK andstopped playing when that server went dead. Now when I came back to Azeroth Talnivarr was ranked the 10th server in Europe (counting from the bottom (!) ) so I took my char to this server instead!

Why <The Raven Council> and not any other guild?
- Ever since I arrived to this server I've been getting guildinvited every hour. Seems like everyone want more ppl atm in this place. I didn't join any guilds but looked into several and I immediatly stated to seach for one that could suit me (and possibly even my friends that's playing on this server as well). I feel that the mix of some progressive members with a lot of casual and social players feels good. You all seems friendly! That the guild also is mature enough to realize that there is a life beyond Azeroth =) I'm really interested in joining the progressgroup in MoP and do some real raiding again! I do miss the old 40-man rainding times....

Where (or from whom) did you hear about <The Raven Council>?
- I checked out serverrankings and compared that to the playstyles of the guilds and when I came across The Raven Council I stopped searching and talked to some of your online members instead! So here I am making an application!

Who are you? (please tell us a little about the real life you)
- The real me is Alex. A 26 years old guy frmo the southern part of Sweden. I work as an airtraffic-controler at a medium-sized airport in Sweden. Now that I'm employed and have finnished my studies I have some sparetime to kill and why not WoW again after a year or so since I quit! Besides gaming I enjoy music and playing guitar, bass and piano and hopefully drums soon enough. And I must say even though I don't have that many gnomfriends I always give the little critters a /pat when I see them =D

See you ingame! // Honok

Pst... officers look! Saved you some time here!!

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Thanks for your application. Please give us a bit of time to review it.

Re: Honok the Frost Mage reporting for duty!

Posted: 17 Sep 2012, 23:01
by Jimmble
Thanks for your application. Please give us a bit of time to review it.

Re: Honok the Frost Mage reporting for duty!

Posted: 19 Sep 2012, 08:50
by Jimmble
Your application has been accepted. Please whisper an officer for a /ginvite.

Re: Honok the Frost Mage reporting for duty!

Posted: 19 Sep 2012, 17:27
by Pyx
Honok wrote:Pst... officers look! Saved you some time here!!

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Thanks for your application. Please give us a bit of time to review it.
Smartypants, eh ...

Re: Honok the Frost Mage reporting for duty!

Posted: 19 Sep 2012, 17:29
by Jimmble
Don't worry, boss, I will slap him!

*brings stepladder*

Re: Honok the Frost Mage reporting for duty!

Posted: 19 Sep 2012, 20:52
by Honok
Pyx wrote:
Honok wrote:Pst... officers look! Saved you some time here!!

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Thanks for your application. Please give us a bit of time to review it.
Smartypants, eh ...
That didn't work out the way I hoped it would! Apparently The master engineer of the page had some autoresponse on :?

Re: Honok the Frost Mage reporting for duty!

Posted: 19 Sep 2012, 21:02
by Jimmble
<recruited and slapped>