What is your character's name, race, class and level?
My characters name is atm thremim, a troll hunter, level 85
Is this character your main character? Have you had any other characters before this one?
It is not exactly my main char, my main is a shaman but she is on a other server ( wich i wanted to leave).
i am aplying whit my hunter because i dont wonna pay lots of money and then the server/ guild dont fits you.
If i like the server/ guild i would love to bring my main character for progress raiding , wich is sitting doing nothing on the Sha'tar atm.
Why <The Raven Council> and not any other guild?
I dont know, i was looking wich guilds on wich server had wich PvE kills, ended on youre server and because i liked the name i /w some one in the guild for some information. Because the gnome was so funny and kind to me i was sure to aply to this guild.
Where (or from whom) did you hear about <The Raven Council>?
i can be verry short at this , a bit self resurch
Who are you? (please tell us a little about the real life you).
i am a 27 years old...uhmm...young man, whit a wife and 2 kids.
my home is in the netherlands, in a city called Roermond.
earn my money whit hard working as a roadconstructor.
i play way TO much WoW, and the favorite part from WoW for me is raiding, progress raiding.
ow yeah and i like gnomes !!
After playing 6 years on The sha'tar i wanted to meet some new friends on new servers and new guilds. So after i bit of resurch i ended up whit this guild.
i have 9 levels 85, becuase i am not working in the winter months i have much and much time to level things but i am donw whit that for now.
In DS i have personally 7/8 hc and i think i cleared all in the other raids in cata on HC.
Well what can i tell more, if you have some questions or something else please lemme know
greetings thremim