Application to the Raven Coucil for Viviette

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Application to the Raven Coucil for Viviette

Post by Viviette » 09 May 2012, 20:13

Applying to The Raven Council.

What is your character's name, race, class and level?
I would like to apply for a position in the ranks of the Raven Coucil. My Characters name is Viviette, a level 85 Gnome priest with a disc main spec and a shadow offspec. Please see the included armoury link for more information. ... tte/simple

Is this character your main character? Have you had any other characters before this one?
I would consider this character my main, i do gravitate towards my mage and paladin from time to time but this priest has the greatest appeal to me at this moment. I have a rogue, paladin and mage at level 85 and on this server.

Why <The Raven Council> and not any other guild?
I've looked around at the various guild on the server and decided to apply to the raven council for a few simple reasons. First off i do like group activity but i'm on a tight schedule so i cant commit to a raiding guild. This is why the looking or raid feature is such a godsend for me, i can engage in a raid on my own schedule without fear off letting group down if i can't make is. So i'm looking for a casual guild in which i can engage in group activities but without the demand off showing up three times a week. The second reason is that i like roleplay so i would like to be part off a guild which organises some roleplay activities. The Raven Council seem like a guild in which both where combined so i applied.

Where (or from whom) did you hear about <The Raven Council>?
While browsing around the web looking for a suitable guild and in game, seeing members walk around in Stormwind.

Who are you? (please tell us a little about the real life you).
I'm a 27 year old musician and historian living in the Netherlands. I play Wow to relax an socialise with people, and while not an hardcore gamer, try to be as good in the game as i can. I really like the healing on my priest and paladin and would like to run content with a steady guild.


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Re: Application to the Raven Coucil for Viviette

Post by Jimmble » 10 May 2012, 00:15

Thank you for your application. Please allow us a bit of time to review it. We'll get back to a.s.a.p.

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Posts: 7473
Character name: Jimmble
Location: under your bed
Specialization: recruitment

Re: Application to the Raven Coucil for Viviette

Post by Jimmble » 11 May 2012, 00:20

