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Application for "yet another rogue"

Posted: 21 Oct 2006, 18:07
by Ayme
Ingame name: Ayme
Class: Rogue
Spec: 33/8/10
Level: 59 (very soon to be lvl 60, 48% to go)
Prof: Herbalist/Alchemist 300/300
Attuned: Molten core & Blackwing lair.
Other chars: I have a lvl 60 rogue on aggramar. Ayme is my main character though. i dont play my troll rogue anymore.

I'm looking for a active guild that do all the aspects of the game. Raiding, PvP, PvE, RP. But most of all i am looking or a guild with nice people that play this game to have fun, not just to get the epics. And a guild chat that acctully moves ;). I have no real experience with the high end content. just been to Zul Gurub a couple of times with my other rogue.

Now what can I do for the Raven Council you might ask. well, not much that you cant do without me realy :) other then my lovely personality and my sexy nightelf dance moves. I like to think that after making two lvl 60 rogues i know my class and how to play it, always open for new experiences and ideas though.

ok, now for some real life stuff.

I live out on the country in a small village in Sweden (i see cows in the summer, I even hear them when i try to sleep, damn them). I'm 29 years young. I spend quite alot of time in the world of azeroth not so much that its becoming unhealthy though. I'm a big Tool fan (yes the "metal" band) and uhm.. i'm running out of things to wright here. a yes, i have the most stupid cat in the whole wide world. And yes, I am a Man playing a female character, cant stare into a male butt all day while playing ;)

Thank you for your time, hope to hear from you soon.

Posted: 22 Oct 2006, 22:14
by Guest
Just so you know, I am level 60 now.



Posted: 23 Oct 2006, 08:46
by Tseng
Huzzah, congrats