Hello guys.
I have recently came back to WoW after long brake. I have played it from begining with a lot of such long several-months brakes like this one. Started as alliance, then played on horde side with friends, and now im the only one still playing so i have returned to alliance side. What i have realised long before that tho, is that WoW is a good game only if you play it with friends, be it real-life friends or friends you play games with. Thats why the first thing i have done after my return was trying to find a raiding guild and do some PvE encounters with friendly community of gamers. I also loved PvP but PvP guilds tend to praise gear more than a player, and you cant join them unless you have already greta gear and high arena rating - i have had nice arena rating in it's first season, i dont like the style of it now so PvP guilds seems not an option for me.
Anyway, you are the 3rd guild im trying to get along with since my return to WoW. First says positively of my applicaiton but its been like week and they dont give me their decision, and i woudlnt like to spend whole subscription time just to create a nice enviroment for myself to play the game in . So i have applied to another guild, which turned out to be just a closed-group of people that backup their arrogant guild-member that look at potential new members as beggers with or without gear, so i declined them, they declined me
Im looking for a great community with which i will love to spend free time with, playing WoW/ToR. Im not expecting anything more from you than what im willing to provide. And im not expecting to be in raiding team right after dinging 85 - im willing to gear myself up, but im not sure if i will survive with interest in WoW playing as a lone wolf - that stopped giving me fun long time ago
So here i am, trying my luck with you. How people say: third time should be lucky.
I have played all the classes in WoW. Most retired on horde side tho.
Whats left on alliance side here on defias (characters i created not long ago or those i did not transfer to horde side on ravenhold back in the days) are:
- Hammerwean - tank dwarf paladin 85 (raided somethign for sure but cant remember what was it - all past wow experience blends a bit and dont remember what i raided with what characters (especially that i switched mains like crazy - its my 2nd character, created looong time ago)
- Glimy - healing human priest 84+ (only one i have reactivated after coming back so far)
- Bruss - rogue 85
- Alfryk - dwarf hunter 76
- Vuco - warrior worgen tank 40
However i mostly interested in the priest atm. Its most challenging in raids to be excellent healer and i like challenges However im not saying i will not play any other char for sure. I dont know, im just trying to find the new fun that can hook me up into WoW again.
I also have horde chars inter alia:
- Azzaer 83 lvl warlock (my first char)
- Meritius 80 DK (raided as tank in wotlk)
- Warithus80 shaman (raided as healer in wotlk/tbc)
and some other chars i dont remember.
Why <The Raven Council> and not any other guild?
- Becouse you look promising and more focused on players than their gears
Where (or from whom) did I hear about <The Raven Council>?
- /gf
Who am I?
- Im 26yo graphic designer from Poland that loves multiplayer computer games. Cant stand playing with and against AI anymore.
Muniek aka Hammerwean/Glimy
Glimy, Hammerwean
- Hammerwean
- Raven
- Posts: 13
- Character name:
Glimy, Hammerwean
My alliance remains and my retired bad guys
- Pyx
- (Anasazi)
- Ancient
- Posts: 4422
- Character name: Anasazi
- Location: Netherlands
- WoW character race: Draenei
- WoW character class: Shaman
Re: Glimy, Hammerwean
Thank you for your application! Please allow us a couple of days to respond.
- Hammerwean
- Raven
- Posts: 13
- Character name:
Re: Glimy, Hammerwean
Alright. I will be around, checking frequently
My alliance remains and my retired bad guys
- Jimmble
- Councillor
- recruitment
- Posts: 7473
- Character name: Jimmble
- Location: under your bed
- Specialization: recruitment
- Contact:
Re: Glimy, Hammerwean
We would like to offer you an initiateship. Please whisper a Councilor for a /ginvite!
- Pyx
- (Anasazi)
- Ancient
- Posts: 4422
- Character name: Anasazi
- Location: Netherlands
- WoW character race: Draenei
- WoW character class: Shaman
Re: Glimy, Hammerwean
- (Aliqh)
- Ancient
- Posts: 10887
- Character name: Aliqh
- Location: Netherlands
- WoW character race: Night Elf
- WoW character class: Demon Hunter
- Battle.net character avatar: Aliqh
- Contact:
Re: Glimy, Hammerwean
And can you shorten the height of your signature to one row of pictures?