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Dlilo Application

Posted: 09 Oct 2006, 14:12
by Dlilo
Name:Dlilo Tinker

Class/Race (Preferably as topic): Gnome Mage (21/15/00)

Other level 60 characters (if any):

Vladamer 60 hunter (not on this server till Christmas on Shaterd hand ATM)

Meristra 36 Warrior (on this server now)

Previous Guilds: Netherbane (on this server)

Previous Servers: Shattered Hand

If you need to contact anyone on Shattered Hand: Arma, Spook, Rade, Stormcrowsix

My names were the same on that server

Raiding Experience:

(on Vladamer Moonbeam)

ZG: Cleared
AQ20: Cleared
AQ40: none.
MC: Fought to Barron Geddon.
BWL: none
Naxx: none

Your professions:
Enganeering 315 / Enchanting 258

Your CTprofile:

4033511 (in the bank i have the first 3 bits of my Dunggon 1 set)

Reason you want to join:

I am looking for a good Guild that know's how to have an eqwal balance of PvP, World PvP and PvE from what i have herd from my IRL friends this guild has it all.

Info about the person behind the character (OOC):

My name is Michael (20 year old) i am in my second year of a photography cource at Sunderland Unaversity (in UK)
i enjoy playing WoW in my Spear Time. im a bit new to the role play on wow, but i realy enjoy it. i also do somthing
called Live Action Role Play (LARP) in a nut shell IRL WoW. i do this 4 time's a year at big out door events.

Story of your Character (IC):

Dlilo is on the Ultimate Quest to create the biggest Feat of Engineering. Using her skill and knowledge of Engineering and Enchanting she hopes to create a power core of uncomprehendable power. This innovation will ensure that a new future for the Gnomes, and one day may help to take back Gnomeregan. As well this will also help Grand Alliance in their constant strugle with the Horde.