application: Littlesky is looking for a new home...

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application: Littlesky is looking for a new home...

Post by Littlesky » 03 Jul 2011, 14:17

Littlesky is a draenei enhancement shammy that has hit the lvl of 85 twice (since she got deleted and reborn)
She is one of many toons in my wow history but is one of the most loved at the time being...
Why TRC? hmm well since im a proud member of "rare spawn" thats sadly has lost most its members im looking for a new place to call home...been looking into alot of guilds the last few weeks and the combo of being a all-in-all (pve/casual/pvp with some progress in it all) The Raven Council seems to fill it all plus have gone head-to-head with several of its members over the time both in pve and on the battlefield and found only good things to say about them..I guess TRC is one of those names I just remember from way back when I started playing on this server.

IRL: 29 year old dane with more nicknames then ppl using my real name soo I answer to most ;) Duo to alot of boring health/psy issues Im playing alot of wow atm and not alot of real life since its a nice way of passing the time towards next visit to the doc or medical center heh Not sure what else to say here since all the "im a fun loveable critter" is really more of a matter of oppinion i guess.
been playing wow since a month after TBC came out and been in most raids except the cata ones (BH ex.) I got a small bunch of random 85s deleted half to stop trying to gear em all up soo...atm its my Shammy, hunter, pala, drood and rogue thats left alone...

ps. one of the biggest issues aswell to find the propper guild has been i got 2 friends thats kinda the remains of rarespawns....and one of them is a very casual pver and the other is very pvp minded ...soo to find a guild were i can keep both plus not joining one of those "we got a billion members".....might think The Raven Council is the home for us.

thank you for your time
and happy gaming

Posts: 10887
Character name: Aliqh
Location: Netherlands
WoW character race: Night Elf
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Re: application: Littlesky is looking for a new home...

Post by Alikh » 04 Jul 2011, 12:44

Hello there and thanks for your application. As soon as we've reviewed it, we'll get back to you. In the meantime to make sure, are you applying for progression raiding or as a social application?
If you are looking for casual pve raiding instead of progression, then we have an open raid organized on mondays for that. Battlegrounds are not organized (yet), but if there are enough people for that, there might also be rated battlegrounds groups.

Posts: 10887
Character name: Aliqh
Location: Netherlands
WoW character race: Night Elf
WoW character class: Demon Hunter character avatar: Aliqh

Re: application: Littlesky is looking for a new home...

Post by Alikh » 06 Jul 2011, 11:43

If this was a social application (there are currently no raiding spots for paladins, other than the open raid on mondays), then we would like to invite you to the guild. Whisper an officer ingame for an invite.

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Posts: 938
Character name: Xanthin

Re: application: Littlesky is looking for a new home...

Post by Xanthi » 08 Jul 2011, 17:22

