Application: Ametsuchi (Social application)

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Application: Ametsuchi (Social application)

Post by Ametsuchi » 11 May 2011, 18:50

Good evening!

I need to apologize for the lack of originality in this application, I don't have any good "stories" in my mind right now so I'm going follow K.I.S.S. principle ("Keep it simple, stupid"). I'm a finnish male, 26 years old otaku and tech student. I study at Technical University of Tampere and at first I aimed to be a teacher but then I realized that I'm going to go nuts if I have to think maths, physics and chemistry for the rest of my life and teach those subjects to 13-16 year olds. Now I'm studying computer science and more precisely software engineering (I'm not sure if it that is the correct translation, but it's close enough) and distributed computing.
On my free time (which I have too much -.-) I mostly play games and watch anime. In addition I play pen & paper role-playing games and do some coding.

I have played WoW for quite some time. I started in Vanilla and have continued playing more or less continuously through TBC, WotLK and now Cata. Of course I've had breaks when I've tried to quit playing (aaaand that has worked perfectly) but apparently resistance is futile. My first character was a human mage on Outland realm, where I played in a finnish guild called Kostajat and raided Karazhan a bit with them in TBC. Then I took a break and when I came back, first I continued on Outland but made a new character to Dragonblight after some time.
My first characters on Dragonblight were gnome mage called Taiyou and human paladin Tetsujin. I joined The Wrath where my friend Nadela was (you might know him as Xanthin), Taiyou becoming my main. In wotlk I joined Sunbliss where I tanked with my paladin Tetsujin all the way to Lich King (who just didn't want to go down no matter how hard we tried... tough bastard) and leveled up my shaman Ametsuchi which in the end outgeared my main thanks to those icc25 hc pug runs (downed 10 or 11 out of 12 in hc mode) consisting mostly of hardcore raiders. In sunbliss I met Jolith who then played with his huntard Arcto. You might know this guy as well...
In cata I made my shaman my main. I raided with umh.... ... .... some swedish people who were real life friends (name of the guild just doesn't come to my mind), those people later came to Sunbliss which was as close to dead as Death Star is to getting blown up by rebels. Arcto (the previous leader) gave me the lead in Sunbliss. Unfortunately Sunbliss was active quite short time as it was killed by internal conflict resulting to those real life friends leaving. In the end I got all others except Nefarian down in normal mode.
After that I took a break and played games like The Witcher, GTA IV, GTA The Lost and the Damned, GTA The Ballad of Gay Tony, Magicka, Crysis 2 and Portal 2 (all of them through).

Now I've been leveling my new Ametsuchi on Defias Brotherhood since in my opinion 20 euros is too much for moving some data from one place to another.

For now I have gametime only for 7 days (Blizz was generous for some unknown reason), but I have plan to come back soon for real (in June at latest).
This is a social application but if you have a need for an enhancement or elemental shaman after I've geared up (I'm better as enhancement), I'm ready to apply for a raider status then.

My character on Defias Brotherhood-EU in a nutshell

Character name: Ametsuchi
Level: Thirty-something (and increasing ;) )
Spec: Enhancement

This character will become my main.

My main on Dragonblight-EU in a nutshell

Character name: Ametsuchi
Level: 85
Spec: Enhancement / Elemental
Armory: ... chi/simple

If you have anything to ask, just poke me ingame.
"Life is a box of chocolates... ... ... and I ated 'em :( "

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Re: Application: Ametsuchi (Social application)

Post by Pyx » 11 May 2011, 21:08

Thank you for your application. We'll get back to you asap!

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Posts: 4422
Character name: Anasazi
Location: Netherlands
WoW character race: Draenei
WoW character class: Shaman

Re: Application: Ametsuchi (Social application)

Post by Pyx » 12 May 2011, 22:28

