Puksie, Bringer of Doom. Application.

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Puksie, Bringer of Doom. Application.

Post by Puksie » 01 May 2011, 23:27

Character Name: Puksie
Class: Mage
iLvL: 353

Raiding History: Vanilla - Molten Core, Zul'Gurub, Blackwing Lair, Ahn'Qiraj 20, Ahn'Qiraj 40, Naxxramas 1.0 (up to 4 horsemen)
TBC - Karazhan (pre-nerf), Gruul's Lair, Black Temple, parts of Sunwell, never really bothered with Tempest.
Wrath - Let's be honest, it was pretty much all pugged by the end. Wrath sucked armpit hair. So, everything.
Cata - Not a lot to be honest. Tonight was actually my first time in BWD which you guys kindly took me to. Done some BoT but again not a lot.

Previous/Current Guild: Brannigan's Law - We all suffer from very sexy learning difficulties.
Reason for Leaving: After most of our members decided they wanted to be SUPAH HARDCORE RAIDAHS, we split, I was left on my lonesome with a few others who have now quit and gone to other various games.

Why The Raven Council?: I was promised cookies and cuddles when I feel down.
How Did You Hear of TRC?: From Anasazi, who then kindly asked me to come on a quick raid, and then asked to marry me. I may have made that last bit up.

Fun Facts: Some fun facts about me are, my bathroom is green, the tin of paint said it was turqoise, but it's definetly green.. I can't be bothered to repaint it. I have a licence to fly light aircraft (aircraft up to 12500lb in weight). I've seen every episode of Futurama at least 10 times. Sometimes I like to sit down in the shower, I have a bench in my shower now... it's very nice. I work for the ambulance service in Bristol (UK). I own 37 lizards, 12 snakes, 5 gerbils, 6 chickens, 2 dogs, 1 rabbit and 3 ducks - well I don't OWN the ducks, they made their home in my pond and seem to not care when i'm around, so I class them as family. My local sandwich shop has a sandwich named after me. When I get bored, I see how many pistachio nuts I can break by throwing them at the ceiling. My favourite type of cookie is oatmeal raisin, and my favourite type of alcohol is scotch, mixing the 2 is so amazing that the world ends temporarily.

I hope that explains enough about me to convince you to fight for my cause of world dominatio-.. I mean allow me to join your guild.

Thank you, and good night!

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Re: Puksie, Bringer of Doom. Application.

Post by Pyx » 02 May 2011, 13:16

Thank you for your application. Please contact an officer for a /ginvite!

Posts: 10887
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Re: Puksie, Bringer of Doom. Application.

Post by Alikh » 06 May 2011, 10:09

