Character's name: Kaeza
Race: Worgen
Class: Mage
Level: 85
Is this character your main character? Have you had any other characters before this one? Old raiding experience?
This is my main character and I have had plenty of characters over the course of time. Let's see, I used to play on Horde side before Cataclysm but with this Expansion I wanted something new, so I rolled my mage to Defias Brotherhood and changed it to alliance. My old characters are in various realms, mainly on Twisting Nether and Grim Batol. I have played almost from the very beginning (I got my Vanilla copy 3 months after release) so there has been a lot of time to play variable classes and do lot's of PvP and PvE. My main class has always been Mage and as mage I have raided MC40 (full clear), BWL40 (full clear), AQ40 (till C'thun) and about half of Naxxramas 40. On Wotlk I've done everything else than Heroic Lich King. My alts are 80lvl Death Knight, 80lvl Warrior and and bunch lover level characters.
Gear and Cataclysm raiding experience?
My gear might not be the best available (345 average iLvL) but getting gear has never been a real problem. I need to get new Wand from Heroics and new hat with JPs and I am around 348 iLvL gear. My gear has been enchanted and gemmed for Frost spec, which means I'm focusing to get crit cap (23% with all raid buffs and debuffs) over haste and mastery. Right now I have Hit cap, crit on 22,5% and 5600. SP My raiding experience in Cataclysm is quite short. Baradim Hold and Conclave of winds, first being quite boring and easy fight and latter been extremely fun fight. I'm waiting to see more bosses like that. I know my experience in Cataclysm raids runs a bit short, but this is nothing that WoWpedia & tankspot cannot fix.
What are you looking for in a guild (f.e. raiding, PvP, RP events etc)?
I'm looking for (semi) hardcore raiding, or better put, progressive raiding. I'm ready to raid basically every day because only thing limiting my free time is school. I am really excited to check Cataclysm 10man raids.
Why <The Raven Council> and not any other guild?
The main reason? You are looking for experienced mage for raids. After checking through your forums and site I am even more sure I did right choice when applying here. I have talked with one of your officers and that chat also gave me good vibes of the guild. My previous guild was on Grim Batol and it was only a Finnish guild. A very big guild, which had really tight knitted group who had played for Vanilla together and that is something I've been looking after Kaamos broke down early in WotLK.
Where (or from whom) did you hear about <The Raven Council>?
I saw your add on trade channel.
Who are you? (please tell us a little about the real life you).
My name is Pauli yet most of my friends call me Reason or Riisoni that has been my Internet nick since I was 13. Now I am 21 (turning 22 in the summer) and I'm studying Mechanical Engineering. Only thing that might really affect on my raiding. I have Canadian girl friend who moved here in Finland to study and we are living together. But this isn't problem when it comes to my time consumption to WoW, cause she is a gamer girl ^^. I'm really positive person and my view of life is that everything can be turned on positive side, Sort of Happy-Go-Lucky person. I also spend my time playing Heroes of Newerth, but I will plan raiding over that so you needn't to worry about it either.
What do you bring for the guild?
Bad jokes and active & experienced frost mage
Sincerely hoping to get in
Kaeza - a lvl 85 frost mage (application)
- Pyx
- (Anasazi)
- Ancient
- Posts: 4422
- Character name: Anasazi
- Location: Netherlands
- WoW character race: Draenei
- WoW character class: Shaman
Re: Kaeza - a lvl 85 frost mage (application)
Thank you for your application. We'll get back to you a.s.a.p.
- Guest
Re: Kaeza - a lvl 85 frost mage (application)
Just wanted to give you guys a gear update, I got new wand now and I'm at 347 iLvL
- Guest
Re: Kaeza - a lvl 85 frost mage (application)
just wanted to update my update. I have now new helm and neck too, putting me to 349 iLvL. I'm also now crit capped for frost spec too (depending if we have all spell crit buffs/debuffs in the raid) and my Spell Power has risen to 6130.Guest wrote:Just wanted to give you guys a gear update, I got new wand now and I'm at 347 iLvL
- Pyx
- (Anasazi)
- Ancient
- Posts: 4422
- Character name: Anasazi
- Location: Netherlands
- WoW character race: Draenei
- WoW character class: Shaman
Re: Kaeza - a lvl 85 frost mage (application)