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Paladin lvl 85 that will join your rank

Posted: 06 Jan 2011, 19:36
by Rickto
Hi ther all.

# Rickto, human, paladin, lvl 85
# main have played sen start of wow to to many to list have played all the different character to minimun of lvl 70-80
# What are you looking for in a guild? (raiding, PvP, RP events etc..?)
# a guild to grow whit and make dungons and raids whit I am not a hade core raider
# I was looking for a guild in /1 and Nanette send me your guild page and i read it and it sound like a guild for me
# Who am I ? humm I soft guy that have some good humor and have a soft attitude to wow i play much but still have me RL going.

and i dont get mad if you are in a raid/party and you wipe poo happens just go for it again :)

Hope I see you all in game

Re: Paladin lvl 85 that will join your rank

Posted: 06 Jan 2011, 22:32
by Alikh
Hello there, thank you for your application. I'm afraid that we decided not to invite you to the guild. We wish you good luck in finding a suitable guild!

Re: Paladin lvl 85 that will join your rank

Posted: 06 Jan 2011, 22:32
by Alikh
<not recruited>