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I could almost resist the urge, but not for too long.

Posted: 02 Jan 2011, 23:26
by Aggut, aka Zeine/Nilithe
Hello people of the Raven Council.
Once upon a time, long long ago, I was a member of your ranks. You might recall some idiot called Zeine or a total duchebag named Nilithe. Yes, I've picked up almost where I left of. A few minor things are realy not the same, missing a guildchat with nice peolple for one. So now I am applying for membership in the Council once more.

Yeah, about the characters. Nilithe, protection/retadin at writing time at lvl75. Zeine the worthless (or was it bitchy, don't quite remember) warrior is currently on ice and wont join for at least a week, or 3. But do got a side project "Rovic" with a friend (also former RC member but with different char/name nowadays) that is a low level puppy druid. Would like to join with both druid and paladin.

And as for me, who I am? Mostly a guy soon at lvl30, going way slower than my virtual avatars. Univseristy dropout that has the glorious dream that I will some day get my thumb out of my *** and complete the game development studies that I started.

Not sure what more to say, any questions? Fire away!

/Aggut aka Zeine/Nilithe/Rovic

Re: I could almost resist the urge, but not for too long.

Posted: 03 Jan 2011, 10:02
by Pyx
*hugs Zeine*

Hiya, we'll get back to you soon!

Re: I could almost resist the urge, but not for too long.

Posted: 06 Jan 2011, 22:23
by MrCIA
I guess I would be the former RC member Aggut mentioned. Once upon a time I was a dwarf called Gralm and attached to this guild. It has been so long since I played on this server that I'm just going to let that guy rest and have started a puppy warrior [Arms] called Anube who is presently at lvl 40 but going for the top pretty quick.

Anyway I'm not to sure about what anyone would like to know about me, I don't think anyone is good at writing these things, but any questions are welcome.

Re: I could almost resist the urge, but not for too long.

Posted: 06 Jan 2011, 22:26
by Jaera
please make an app