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Joach's App

Posted: 06 Dec 2010, 19:58
by Joach
Hi my real name is James.
I'm a 17 year old student living in East London, Dagenham, and im applying for uni this year( Aiming for teaching/Drama teaching degree). But don't worry, I'm staying at home. I do a lot of drama outside of college, I have a show in Feb. (A panto, where i have to dress up as a woman cos im an UGLY SISTER). Im interested in football and being from east london I have to support WestHam now dont I! I like maturity in guilds and enjoy helping people out who need it.

I've played WoW since about two weeks before TBC and never looked back. My main character is a level 80 Mage called Tryogen, however tommorrow he will be a Worgen Mage called Joach. Ive Had many other level 80s in my time but unfortunately on different accounts. My first ever account has a 80 Paladin which I gave to my brother. My other inactive account is a lvl 80 Druid. And I have an 80 DK in a different realm.

Now why Raven Council? Well its simple, it seems the perfect guild for me. I would like to raid but only casually and I want to Roleplay aswell. Ive discovered that Raid guilds never RP and vise versa. The start of Cataclysm makes me want a new start. I would love to join this guild as it seems exactly what I would want a guild to do. I enjoy all aspects of the game and would like to cover them, previous guilds have never gave me the chance.

I am an active player, whom wants to make new friends and to enjoy the game.

Re: Joach's App

Posted: 07 Dec 2010, 12:42
by Jaera