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Recruitment Gloryus Holy Paladin

Posted: 19 Oct 2010, 23:36
by Gloryus
Character name: Gloryus level 80 (duh xD) Human (always :D)
This is my main character but I have 2 other characters DK and Warrior but on other servers.
Well I am looking for a mostly PvE but I always like a GOOD PvP.....:)
Noting to strict yet helpful and friendly....:)
Well sense I am on this server for about 2 and a half weeks I had a hard time finding a good raiding guild ( sense I am from a low populated server I couldn't get many achievements) so I asked if this guild is in need of healers, he said only epic I am applying :P
Well as I said before I herd it from a friend that is one of your members Darkkurama :)
Well my real name is Mihailo I am 17 years old I go to to chat with ( I hope :P ) friendly and will gladly help almost every player that asks me (if I can ofc).....:D

Well thats it from my application I hope we will hear from you very soon :)

Re: Recruitment Gloryus Holy Paladin

Posted: 20 Oct 2010, 14:23
by Alikh
Hello there and thanks for your interest in our guild. Unfortunately we have decided that, based on your application, you are not what we are looking for in a Raven Council member.

We wish you all the best in your search for a suitable guild.

Re: Recruitment Gloryus Holy Paladin

Posted: 20 Oct 2010, 14:24
by Alikh
<not recruited>