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Kalaz Druid Application

Posted: 05 Oct 2010, 20:16
by Kalaz
1. What is your character's name, race, class and level?
Name: Kalaz
Race: Night Elf
Class: Druid
Level: 80
Armory: ... d&cn=Kalaz

2. Is this character your main character? Have you had any other characters before this one?
This is going to be my main char as soon i find a prober place to sit down and stay.
If you look at the gear and experience then my mage is my main: ... n=Vadarion
But as cataclsym is soon up and i need a change of role and play style, then i am working hard to get my druid to
a level where i can call it my main.

3. What are you looking for in a guild? (raiding, PvP, RP events etc..?)
Im basicly looking for PvE due that PvE is the place i have had my focus since i dinged lvl 80 on my first char, i find raiding fun and enjoyable, and i would say im a rather good raider. Also then i have heard that you focus on 10man and after 25man Heroic then i could use some time with focusing on 10man content, cause in the end, it might be the same boss but its different fights and i would like to focus on 10man.
But i have also started to gear up as Resto Druid for PvP.
My WotLK Experience is:
ToC10/ToGC10 = Cleared
ToC25 = Cleared
Ony 10/25 = Cleared
Uld25/10 = a few bosses left
Naxx 10/25 = Cleared 10man / Need a few on 25.
EoE 10/25 = Cleared
OS 10/25 = Cleared (Both on normal and HM)
Icc10 = 11/12
Icc25 = 12/12
Icc25 Heroic = 10/12 (Had attempts on Sindra on around 15%)
Ruby Sanctum 25man = Cleared
Ruby Sanctum 10man = Cleared

Fast a guild story:
Keepers of Mrakness = Im there on Mage atm
Phase Two = Left Due that i wanted to go back on Alliance
Animosity = Left to go horde and Join Phase Two

4. What do you expect from <The Raven Council>?
A good and solid Guild where i can get alot of experience and laughs.
I also expect abit of dedication at some point in raiding
people who knows what they want and they know how to get it.

5. Why <The Raven Council> and not any other guild?
I know TWO persons in the guild and what i have heard then its a good guild with nice people.
And i hope that this is a place i could fit in and have alot of fun with.

6. Where (or from whom) did you hear about <The Raven Council>?
Varadin! (*Cough* Ginger *Cough*)

7. Who are you? (please tell us a little about the real life you).
Well my name is Mikkel Aaen and im from Denmark! Im an 18 year old lad who mostly atm spend my time on finding a job until i start school again next yearh for eductaion. Im a pretty social dude who loves to go out with mates, have fun and just have a blast of a party.
My life is basicly one big party and thats how i live, i try to be positive everyday and use Humor as my way forward.
I have a pretty wicked humor so that will be my warning.

Thank you for reading the application and Cheers :)

Re: Kalaz Druid Application

Posted: 10 Oct 2010, 18:16
by Jaera
thank you for your application, please have patience while we discuss it.

note to members: please dont post in the recruitment threads. thanks

Re: Kalaz Druid Application

Posted: 11 Nov 2010, 16:44
by Alikh
After due consideration, we have decided not to invite you to the guild based on your application. We wish you well on your travels and hope you will find a suitable guild.

Re: Kalaz Druid Application

Posted: 11 Nov 2010, 16:45
by Alikh
<not recruited>