Aenara, shaman application
Posted: 03 Dec 2009, 02:14
1. What is your character's name, race, class and level?
Aenara, level 80 draenei shaman, formerly known as Gragmor the orc if anyone remembers the old bastard.
2. Is this character your main character? Have you had any other characters before this one?
This has (mostly) been my main since Defias Brotherhood was launched and I have played all three specs extensively both in PvE and PvP. On Alliance side I also have a level 80 gnome warrior (Pokie) and a level 80 night elf rogue (Suriah). My level 80 death knight (Keani) remains with the Horde as I don't play it enough to justify the transfer cost.
3. What are you looking for in a guild? (raiding, PvP, RP events etc..?)
I was recruited into Crowd Control pretty much immediately after transferring my first character. In the month or so I spent there, I've come to realize a few things! Although I'm a diehard PvP enthusiast nowadays, PvP guilds are not for me. What I really want in a guild is a friendly and fun guildchat without excessive whining, somel heroics and maybe a raid or two when I feel like slaying dragons.
4. What do you expect from <The Raven Council>?
Just a relaxing environment for my WoW gaming, really. Although I don't currently raid beyond Vault of Archavon, I like the fact I would have the option to do so if I felt the urge without having to guildhop.
5. Why <The Raven Council> and not any other guild?
Just the fact I haven't seen anyone from the guild yelling profanities in all caps or trolling trade chat all day puts it leaps and bounds beyond most guilds that seem to be recruiting, barring hardcore RP ones which I am not interested in. In all seriousness, I've got a good impression of the guild both as adversaries and more recently while playing on Alliance, and I think it would be a nice home for me on this side of the fence.
6. Where (or from whom) did you hear about <The Raven Council>?
There was a recruitment thread on the Defias Brotherhood realm forums a while ago.
7. Who are you? (please tell us a little about the real life you).
I'm Teemu, a 22-year old student from glorious Tampere, Finland! Besides WoW and other computer games, I do a lot of reading, cooking and infusing my own liquor and schnapps. I'm also quite a metalhead, there's nothing quite like a few battlegrounds set to some Amon Amarth.
8. Random extra bits!
I used to be quite the hardcore raider, with my moment of PvE glory being a Horde first Nightbane kill with the original Secret Society. In Wrath I've done all the available content so far excluding some Ulduar hardmodes and ToC heroics, and I've got a tiny bit of raid leading experience from being the founder and later an officer of the current Secret Society. This really is a tiny bit and in regards to the Raven Council I'd most likely utilize it to lead WPvP groups or such.
Other than that, I'm currently studying web design among other things and would be happy to help with website-related stuff, if needed!
Feel free to poke me here or ingame if you want to know something more.
Thanks for your time, and I hope to hear from you soon!
Aenara, level 80 draenei shaman, formerly known as Gragmor the orc if anyone remembers the old bastard.
2. Is this character your main character? Have you had any other characters before this one?
This has (mostly) been my main since Defias Brotherhood was launched and I have played all three specs extensively both in PvE and PvP. On Alliance side I also have a level 80 gnome warrior (Pokie) and a level 80 night elf rogue (Suriah). My level 80 death knight (Keani) remains with the Horde as I don't play it enough to justify the transfer cost.
3. What are you looking for in a guild? (raiding, PvP, RP events etc..?)
I was recruited into Crowd Control pretty much immediately after transferring my first character. In the month or so I spent there, I've come to realize a few things! Although I'm a diehard PvP enthusiast nowadays, PvP guilds are not for me. What I really want in a guild is a friendly and fun guildchat without excessive whining, somel heroics and maybe a raid or two when I feel like slaying dragons.
4. What do you expect from <The Raven Council>?
Just a relaxing environment for my WoW gaming, really. Although I don't currently raid beyond Vault of Archavon, I like the fact I would have the option to do so if I felt the urge without having to guildhop.
5. Why <The Raven Council> and not any other guild?
Just the fact I haven't seen anyone from the guild yelling profanities in all caps or trolling trade chat all day puts it leaps and bounds beyond most guilds that seem to be recruiting, barring hardcore RP ones which I am not interested in. In all seriousness, I've got a good impression of the guild both as adversaries and more recently while playing on Alliance, and I think it would be a nice home for me on this side of the fence.
6. Where (or from whom) did you hear about <The Raven Council>?
There was a recruitment thread on the Defias Brotherhood realm forums a while ago.
7. Who are you? (please tell us a little about the real life you).
I'm Teemu, a 22-year old student from glorious Tampere, Finland! Besides WoW and other computer games, I do a lot of reading, cooking and infusing my own liquor and schnapps. I'm also quite a metalhead, there's nothing quite like a few battlegrounds set to some Amon Amarth.
8. Random extra bits!
I used to be quite the hardcore raider, with my moment of PvE glory being a Horde first Nightbane kill with the original Secret Society. In Wrath I've done all the available content so far excluding some Ulduar hardmodes and ToC heroics, and I've got a tiny bit of raid leading experience from being the founder and later an officer of the current Secret Society. This really is a tiny bit and in regards to the Raven Council I'd most likely utilize it to lead WPvP groups or such.
Other than that, I'm currently studying web design among other things and would be happy to help with website-related stuff, if needed!
Feel free to poke me here or ingame if you want to know something more.
Thanks for your time, and I hope to hear from you soon!