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Paladin application

Posted: 28 Oct 2009, 11:50
by Ewy

Short story

My IRL name is Fredrik and my character is a newly dinged 80 human female paladin called Nephele, who is currently residing on the realm Ravenholdt. Preferred spec is any viable paladin spec. She is not visible in Armory at the moment because I haven't played her since last may.

Somewhat longer story

As earlier stated, my name is Fredrik. I am 30 years old and I have played WoW since release. My story takes place mainly on Ravenholdt where I first started out as a clueless rogue who would not even survive a PvP encounter with an enemy 10 levels youger. As I got better at the game I became aware of the low quality of Ravenholdt's tanks, rerolled prot warrior, and became primadonna.. sorry.. MT in a small casual guild. It was at this time I had to take my first break from the game due to personal reasons.

A few months later(TBC release) I was back and found my old guild disbanded and dead. However, I soon found what would be my home guild for a long time. This guild was a casual yet serious raiding guild which valued efficiency and expertise highly. Healers were a scarce resource which prompted me to power level a priest. By the time I reached 70 healers were in abundance, which led to me turning to the dark and shadowy side. Some months later I was made raid leader, a privilege I enjoyed for roughly half a year. In the end I resigned my position as I was no longer willing to deal with the immense levels of drama and bickering that all to often plague casual raiding guilds. At this time I was approached by some of the people that I had maintanked for in the past, and they persuaded me to relocated to...

..another server. My new guild was Horde and all-swedish(yes I am a swede) and mostly comprised by IRL friends. I leveled a warrior and progressed with the guild all the way to Gurtogg Bloodboil, at which time I had to take my second break from the game due to yet another real life reason.

I came back a few weeks before WotLK was released. Tired of my warrior, I leveled a paladin and entered Northrend as holy. We managed to clear Naxx and half of Ulduar before I was forced to take my third and most recent break from the game. This time because I was bored, overloaded with work, and somewhat unhappy with how the guild had evolved. But hey, third time is the charm, right?

Now I am back again, and hopefully I will stay being back! I am applying to The Raven Council because I am searching for a casual raiding guild which recognizes its members' need for a life outside Azeroth and you claim to be both of these things. I love raiding and when I do raid I take it seriously. I am not the biggest fan of engaging in RP myself, but I do like the feeling of immersion and general atmosphere on RP-servers and that is why I want to play here. I would never dream of breaking the RP rules.

My real life me works as an IT-consultant in Stockholm. I enjoy my sci-fi books, my sci-fi movies, and my sci-fi tv series. And playing pc games of course. My soon-to-be wife is not overly hostile towards my gaming habits per se, but she usually demands a lot of my time when she is in town.

Summary of short and long story

If accepted, I will transfer my paladin to Defias Brotherhood and rename her, hopefully to Ewy. This would be my main charachter. On this server I also have a lowly mage called Evienne. She is my main here for the moment.

I expect The Raven Council to accept me as a friendly fellow player, nothing more. Oh and to let me into raids every now and then :) After I get some gear that is... :mrgreen:

Sincerely / Ewy

Re: Paladin application

Posted: 28 Oct 2009, 18:17
by Alikh
Hello there and thank you for your application. We liked your application so whisper an officer in-game and you'll get an invite.

Re: Paladin application

Posted: 29 Oct 2009, 08:11
by Ewy
Most obliged. See you in a few hours then :)