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Druid Application

Posted: 27 Oct 2009, 17:07
by Lothenal
1. What is your character's name, race, class and level?

Name: Lothenal

Race: Night Elf

Class: Druid

Level: 50

2. Is this character your main character? Have you had any other characters before this one?

On Defias Brotherhood I have a level 80 warrior, a level 50 druid and a level 34 mage. I have a few others but none that high. I also have a lvl 49 mage on the Daggerspine realm.

I am hoping to make my Druid my new main.

3. What are you looking for in a guild? (raiding, PvP, RP events etc..?)

I have played a warrior for most of my WoW days and I used to Raid pre TBC. I started my Druid a few months ago in hope to get to 80 and hopefully do a few end-game dungeons and 5-man heroics. I feel I missed out in alot of the end-game content in TBC. I do enjoy the odd pre-made Battleground and I used to RP alot but have some how lost touch with my RP side. Even though I havn't fully developed my Druid's story/character etc, I hope RP is something I can re-live again with a brand new character. :D

4. What do you expect from <The Raven Council>?

Mostly what I want from this guild is a group of fun, interesting people who I can make friends with. I moved server because of my In Real Life mate, and then stopped playing WoW soon after. So really, I lost touch with alot of my old In Game friends. And at the moment I virtually don't have any. I move from small Guild to guild hopeing to meet some interesting people and have a sense of family which I knew so long ago. But as of yet I havn't found one. I do not play WoW alot, because of work and university but I hope to eventually level my Druid to 80 and when I do, I want to be be part of a great group of people who can help support me my next step of the journey.

5. Why <The Raven Council> and not any other guild?

I was looking on the Realm forums hopeing to find a guild like the Raven Council who pride themselves of mature players and a fun Guild atmosphere. After reading the recruitment post I fell in love with this guild. And I immediately started to fill out an application.

6. Where (or from whom) did you hear about <The Raven Council>?

Well, I pretty much answered this question on the one above. Realm Forums.

7. Who are you? (please tell us a little about the real life you).

My name is Mark, I'm 18 (will be 19 this year). I live in the city Glasgow, which is in Scotland. I study Music at University and I currently play guitar and write songs for a Pop-Rock band and I also play in an Acoustic Duo with the other guitarist from my band. I love music, I sing, play guitar and drums and a bit of piano (keys). I also record and mix all the songs for my band in my bedroom. :P I have been playing WoW for 3 and a half years now (On and off) and at the moment just playing WoW casually while still giving myself time for work, my studies, friends and my girlfriend.

Thank you for taking the time to read my application.

Re: Druid Application

Posted: 28 Oct 2009, 11:56
by Alikh
Hello there and thanks for your application. I can tell you that your application was received well and you can whisper an officer in-game for an invite (when one is online :P).

Re: Druid Application

Posted: 28 Oct 2009, 12:29
by Lothenal
Thank you very much.

Would you please be able to post a number of officer names? As so I know who to whisper.


Re: Druid Application

Posted: 28 Oct 2009, 12:51
by Alikh
E.g.: Pyx/Pinot/Anasazi, Jaera, Raevin, Rezag, Zarhan, Khila/Alikh/Irana

Re: Druid Application

Posted: 28 Oct 2009, 13:02
by Pyx
Or just do a /who The Raven Council and whisper the first character you spot with the question to redirect you to an officer.