The aplication of a druid (Resto Speced)

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The aplication of a druid (Resto Speced)

Post by Deranell » 27 Jun 2009, 23:01

1.About my character.

Hello I have a lvl 80 druid named Deranell. He is a male, Night elf. I am a new lvl 80 on this server and my friend Throdir and I are looking for a good,relaxing,Rp And raiding guild.
( First lvl 80)

2.My history on WoW.

This is my main on this server and allways will be. I have a few low lvl chars that are not worth mentioning. I came here with Throdir to try out alliance after playing horde on Vek'Nilash.

3.What I'm looking for in The Raven Council.

Really I am looking for a friendly, family type guild that can have mature conversations.
I'm also looking for a guild that can help me further my knowlage of the game.

4.What I expect from you the Raven Council

From the Raven Council I expect nothing more than you have offered...A mature guild to talk, Rp, Raid and have fun in.

5.Why the Raven Council? How did I find out about it?

Well it was first Throdir (who is a real-life friend and a leveling partner) who told me about the guild so i decided to look on your site myself. I found that you have put a huge ammount of effort into building up your guild and I found the lore amazing.
Throdir and I came to the decision that we would both apply for this guild (as it is nice to know someone in the guild).

Who am I? The real me.

I am a student, still in comprehensive school. I am from the UK. My hobbies are Swimming, Golf (although I'm not all that good :wink: ) Tennis, Cricket and the obvious ...World of Warcraft. I really enjoy mathamatics and problem solving. Later in life I hope to be a Teacher, Golfer or a police officer.

Thanks for your time and I hope you will consider Throdir's and My application


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Posts: 4422
Character name: Anasazi
Location: Netherlands
WoW character race: Draenei
WoW character class: Shaman

Re: The aplication of a druid (Resto Speced)

Post by Pyx » 29 Jun 2009, 23:25

