Warrior application from Himindoors
Posted: 10 May 2009, 01:14
hi my char name is Himindoors and I am a lvl 79 (nearly 80) dwarf warrior (tank spec) although my gear is a little rubbish at min. I used to be with Genesis but owing to the fact that they have too many tanks I left when RotLK came out. I am currently in a small guild but would leave them if I was succesful with my application. There should be a few people in raven council who can vouch for me as I know there's quite a few from genesis here. My real name is daran and I'm a full time carer for my wife (who is in genesis (herindoors)) and this is my main char, I have a few others but they are too low to worry about. Please whisper me in the game if you need any more info.