Pair of friends: Lvl 60 hunter, Lvl 60 mage
Posted: 08 Sep 2009, 14:39
This is two applications in a single post, since we hope for a sort of "package deal" and are longtime friends, both in- and outside game.
We have previously applied to The Alliance Watch, so you might have seen some of the application text before. TAW, however, decided to stop seeking new members at the time, so, we are seeking another guild with hopefully similar descriptions (RP, Endgame instances and occasional raids, some PVP).
As the application is based on TAWs requirements, it tells a lot more than what your instructions require. However, I don't think that you'll count it against us if you find out a bit more up-front .
About me (ie. Zarhan)
Name: Zarhan, main character
Class/Race: Night-Elf Hunter (lvl 60, Marksmanship/Survival specced)
Past guilds: Bad Company (skullcrusher).
Professions: Skinning, Dragonscale leatherworking (300/300)
Accesses to high-level instances: Attunements completed for Molten Core and BWL. Raiding experience from MC.
Background:When I originally started playing WoW there were no "RP-PVP" servers available. I eventually decided to "PVP", on Skullcrusher, not exactly because I like to PVP too much but because I preferred the excitement and real sense of danger (especially in the pre-battlegrounds era of WoW). Leveling up felt much more challenging in PVP environment.
I eventually reached level 60, joined a raiding guild, and started doing the endgame instances. However, after a while it was no longer *fun*. I quit playing in August of '05 after some Molten Core raids that had started happening 5 times a week. Then, during the early winter, I decided to try how the game had changed with recent patches and bought one month of game time. Skullcrusher hadn't changed much, but then I decided to try the RP side - and I felt much more at home. However, as I really did not fancy grinding another character up to lvl 60 again, I dind't continue. Then, Blizzard announced 1) RP-PVP servers - which I alongside Rezag tested out and found *very* much to our liking, 2) Paid character transfers - so, here I am, and even based on only some pick-up group experiences, quite hooked again.
Reason you want to join the Guild: I noticed quite soon that most of the RP content happens within guilds. So, me (with my friend, Rezag) started looking for suitable guilds for us - one that would, in the order of importance a) participate occasionally in endgame instances and raids b) have fun RP events c) work for "casual" play (ie: not require raiding 24/7 - once or twice a week is ok - altough right now, on holiday season, I can attend more often.). d) occasionally conduct PvP, espcially considering upcoming worldPVP patch.
With the recent addition of raids (with Veneratio Aeterma), Raven Council seems to fit the description.
Person behind character: 29 years old telecommunications engineer working for a Telecom operator in Finland. I've played roleplaying games since high school (D&D, Rolemaster, Shadowrun, Paranoia, you name it).
Story of Character (IC):
I was born in Kalimdor about hundred years before the First War. Kalimdor was a relatively quiet and peaceful place at the time and night elves were relatively unscathed, so I lived a quite happy childhood.
Upon reaching adulthood, I started training according to the teachings of Shandris Feathermoon and other to follow the precepts of the Hunt, even though I could not join the Sentinels. I later roamed forests of Ashenvale both alone and occasionally alongside the Sentinels.
Later, when Third War reached Kalimdor, I saw the forests I had walked in for so long being cut down by Warsong clan's lumberers, and joined with the other Night Elves to fight the orcs. When word of Cenarius' death reached our small elf contingent, I went with my companions to deliver a blow of vengeance against the orcs.
Later, when Tyrande Whisperwind, Jaina Proudmoore and Thrall made their alliance against undead, I was among those who could not bring themselves to fight alongside the Orcs - not after everything that had transpired. While I did fight against the undead, I kept myself around my like-minded Night Elf companions, and some new associates from Jaina's forces that had similar opinions, such as Rezag Tremontaine.
After the war, I considered settling down upon the newly raised Teldrassil, but upon witnessing its corruption and the demonic influences that haunt the forests around Darnassus, I decided to stay away and instead seek to reunite with some of my wartime friends. While I met with some of them, I eventually met Rezag, who was still searching for information about his parents. As his road seemed to lead to battles against Scourge, I have been walking with him - at least for the time being.
I eventually hope to see the return of the ancient Night Elven homeland as it was before the war - the forests of my childhood. Perhaps keeping the fight going against the Scourge will eventually lead to that goal - and if any orcs happen to stand in the way, so much worse for them, so much the better for me.
About my friend, Rezag:
Name: Rezag Tremontaine, main character
Class/Race: Human 31frost /20arcane mage (lvl 60)
Past guilds: Unity (skullcrusher).
Professions: Tailor and enchanter (300/300)
Attuned: I'm attuned to all except Naxxramas. Experience of full MC, full ZG, BWL up to Broodlord, ZG20 all but Ossirian. Training on AQ40 first boss.
Reasons for joining the Guild: As a new player in this server after the paid character transfer came possible I would like to find new friends to experience, in addition to occasional raids, roleplaying, pvp, normal end-game instances and have fun (Came here with my real life friend Zarhan).
Like the Alliance Watch, The Raven Council seems to have much more than just running raids and after doing almost nothing but raids in last six months I would be happy to 'scale down' to around 2 raids a week.
Person behind the character: I am 28 year old engineer from Finland working for paper industry as a designer.
I started playing 2 months after the European WoW release and because my friend Zarhan already had a character Zarhan on pvp server Skullcrusher I joined that server.
Unlike Zarhan, I was lucky to be in quite small Finnish guild at the time so running all normal instances in fun group got me hooked to the game. Then came the RP PVP realms - me and Zarhan tried for a while together on the horde side on Venture Co - the world was so much more living and immersive (and fun) but to grind back to level 60 again was not something I was not interested in. Also I still had fun with the instace runs with Rezag.
So I moved finally back to Rezag and after the Finnish guild disbanded I joined a casual raiding guild. It was really exciting and fun at the beginning - unfortunedly when we reached BWL it started to turn in to raid 5+ times per week raid guild. But luckily around this time the paid char transfers became available.
Story of your Character (IC):
I was the first child of Aruthin and Maggie Tremontaine, two mages in Dalaran born just before first war. As such, I spent the beginning of my childhood in Dalaran during the first and second wars.
After the second war my little sister Ruthena was born just after we moved to Stormwind with my parents who wanted to help in rebuilding of Stormwind. I reached adulthood while watching the rebuilding of Stormwind and studying basics of arcane magic under my parents' watchful eyes.
However, upon reaching adulthood I was only able to get a job as an assistant cook for the garrison of Stormwind. This forced me to swallow my pride and realise I was not exactly a master mage, or even a mage at all yet.
At the same time my parents were suddenly and hurriedly called back to Dalaran. They left me to look after Ruthena in Stormwind. This was the last time I saw my parents - only terrible news and tales came from northern kingdoms - tales of destruction unheard of before.
A great urge came to me to find out what has happened to my parents and what really was going on the north. But I couldn't abandon my little sister and was forced to stay and look after her. So I had to take on several odd jobs, continuing as a cook and also helping within a tailor's shop.
In the evenings after my Ruthena was asleep I studied the books about magic that my parents had left behind - absorbing all possible knowledge in them, hoping to one day to go and find out what had happened to my parents and to be able protect my little sister and Stormwind if another threat would rise again.
After years passed by, I finally came to the conclusion that my Ruthena was old enough to at least partially look after herself and not needing me all the time. So arming myself with old equipment left behind by my parents I decided to start looking answers to questions bothering me for so long and to take actively part defending my sister and Stormwind from possible threats.
After finding out that lots of people from the Northern kingdoms had travelled with Jaina Proudmoore and founded the new city of Theramore I decided to start his work from there, while at the same time offering my help against the Scourge. The experience was quite unfruitful as I couldn't quite handle the new alliance with orcs who were, after all, cause to so many wars.
I was not alone with my thoughts - quite a few of my new friends amongst Jaina's forces and many of the newly joined night elves, including Zarhan, also felt alike. After the victory from the Scrouge, I continued with my search on Kalimdor for a while, but eventually returned to Eastern Kingdoms.
We have previously applied to The Alliance Watch, so you might have seen some of the application text before. TAW, however, decided to stop seeking new members at the time, so, we are seeking another guild with hopefully similar descriptions (RP, Endgame instances and occasional raids, some PVP).
As the application is based on TAWs requirements, it tells a lot more than what your instructions require. However, I don't think that you'll count it against us if you find out a bit more up-front .
About me (ie. Zarhan)
Name: Zarhan, main character
Class/Race: Night-Elf Hunter (lvl 60, Marksmanship/Survival specced)
Past guilds: Bad Company (skullcrusher).
Professions: Skinning, Dragonscale leatherworking (300/300)
Accesses to high-level instances: Attunements completed for Molten Core and BWL. Raiding experience from MC.
Background:When I originally started playing WoW there were no "RP-PVP" servers available. I eventually decided to "PVP", on Skullcrusher, not exactly because I like to PVP too much but because I preferred the excitement and real sense of danger (especially in the pre-battlegrounds era of WoW). Leveling up felt much more challenging in PVP environment.
I eventually reached level 60, joined a raiding guild, and started doing the endgame instances. However, after a while it was no longer *fun*. I quit playing in August of '05 after some Molten Core raids that had started happening 5 times a week. Then, during the early winter, I decided to try how the game had changed with recent patches and bought one month of game time. Skullcrusher hadn't changed much, but then I decided to try the RP side - and I felt much more at home. However, as I really did not fancy grinding another character up to lvl 60 again, I dind't continue. Then, Blizzard announced 1) RP-PVP servers - which I alongside Rezag tested out and found *very* much to our liking, 2) Paid character transfers - so, here I am, and even based on only some pick-up group experiences, quite hooked again.
Reason you want to join the Guild: I noticed quite soon that most of the RP content happens within guilds. So, me (with my friend, Rezag) started looking for suitable guilds for us - one that would, in the order of importance a) participate occasionally in endgame instances and raids b) have fun RP events c) work for "casual" play (ie: not require raiding 24/7 - once or twice a week is ok - altough right now, on holiday season, I can attend more often.). d) occasionally conduct PvP, espcially considering upcoming worldPVP patch.
With the recent addition of raids (with Veneratio Aeterma), Raven Council seems to fit the description.
Person behind character: 29 years old telecommunications engineer working for a Telecom operator in Finland. I've played roleplaying games since high school (D&D, Rolemaster, Shadowrun, Paranoia, you name it).
Story of Character (IC):
I was born in Kalimdor about hundred years before the First War. Kalimdor was a relatively quiet and peaceful place at the time and night elves were relatively unscathed, so I lived a quite happy childhood.
Upon reaching adulthood, I started training according to the teachings of Shandris Feathermoon and other to follow the precepts of the Hunt, even though I could not join the Sentinels. I later roamed forests of Ashenvale both alone and occasionally alongside the Sentinels.
Later, when Third War reached Kalimdor, I saw the forests I had walked in for so long being cut down by Warsong clan's lumberers, and joined with the other Night Elves to fight the orcs. When word of Cenarius' death reached our small elf contingent, I went with my companions to deliver a blow of vengeance against the orcs.
Later, when Tyrande Whisperwind, Jaina Proudmoore and Thrall made their alliance against undead, I was among those who could not bring themselves to fight alongside the Orcs - not after everything that had transpired. While I did fight against the undead, I kept myself around my like-minded Night Elf companions, and some new associates from Jaina's forces that had similar opinions, such as Rezag Tremontaine.
After the war, I considered settling down upon the newly raised Teldrassil, but upon witnessing its corruption and the demonic influences that haunt the forests around Darnassus, I decided to stay away and instead seek to reunite with some of my wartime friends. While I met with some of them, I eventually met Rezag, who was still searching for information about his parents. As his road seemed to lead to battles against Scourge, I have been walking with him - at least for the time being.
I eventually hope to see the return of the ancient Night Elven homeland as it was before the war - the forests of my childhood. Perhaps keeping the fight going against the Scourge will eventually lead to that goal - and if any orcs happen to stand in the way, so much worse for them, so much the better for me.
About my friend, Rezag:
Name: Rezag Tremontaine, main character
Class/Race: Human 31frost /20arcane mage (lvl 60)
Past guilds: Unity (skullcrusher).
Professions: Tailor and enchanter (300/300)
Attuned: I'm attuned to all except Naxxramas. Experience of full MC, full ZG, BWL up to Broodlord, ZG20 all but Ossirian. Training on AQ40 first boss.
Reasons for joining the Guild: As a new player in this server after the paid character transfer came possible I would like to find new friends to experience, in addition to occasional raids, roleplaying, pvp, normal end-game instances and have fun (Came here with my real life friend Zarhan).
Like the Alliance Watch, The Raven Council seems to have much more than just running raids and after doing almost nothing but raids in last six months I would be happy to 'scale down' to around 2 raids a week.
Person behind the character: I am 28 year old engineer from Finland working for paper industry as a designer.
I started playing 2 months after the European WoW release and because my friend Zarhan already had a character Zarhan on pvp server Skullcrusher I joined that server.
Unlike Zarhan, I was lucky to be in quite small Finnish guild at the time so running all normal instances in fun group got me hooked to the game. Then came the RP PVP realms - me and Zarhan tried for a while together on the horde side on Venture Co - the world was so much more living and immersive (and fun) but to grind back to level 60 again was not something I was not interested in. Also I still had fun with the instace runs with Rezag.
So I moved finally back to Rezag and after the Finnish guild disbanded I joined a casual raiding guild. It was really exciting and fun at the beginning - unfortunedly when we reached BWL it started to turn in to raid 5+ times per week raid guild. But luckily around this time the paid char transfers became available.
Story of your Character (IC):
I was the first child of Aruthin and Maggie Tremontaine, two mages in Dalaran born just before first war. As such, I spent the beginning of my childhood in Dalaran during the first and second wars.
After the second war my little sister Ruthena was born just after we moved to Stormwind with my parents who wanted to help in rebuilding of Stormwind. I reached adulthood while watching the rebuilding of Stormwind and studying basics of arcane magic under my parents' watchful eyes.
However, upon reaching adulthood I was only able to get a job as an assistant cook for the garrison of Stormwind. This forced me to swallow my pride and realise I was not exactly a master mage, or even a mage at all yet.
At the same time my parents were suddenly and hurriedly called back to Dalaran. They left me to look after Ruthena in Stormwind. This was the last time I saw my parents - only terrible news and tales came from northern kingdoms - tales of destruction unheard of before.
A great urge came to me to find out what has happened to my parents and what really was going on the north. But I couldn't abandon my little sister and was forced to stay and look after her. So I had to take on several odd jobs, continuing as a cook and also helping within a tailor's shop.
In the evenings after my Ruthena was asleep I studied the books about magic that my parents had left behind - absorbing all possible knowledge in them, hoping to one day to go and find out what had happened to my parents and to be able protect my little sister and Stormwind if another threat would rise again.
After years passed by, I finally came to the conclusion that my Ruthena was old enough to at least partially look after herself and not needing me all the time. So arming myself with old equipment left behind by my parents I decided to start looking answers to questions bothering me for so long and to take actively part defending my sister and Stormwind from possible threats.
After finding out that lots of people from the Northern kingdoms had travelled with Jaina Proudmoore and founded the new city of Theramore I decided to start his work from there, while at the same time offering my help against the Scourge. The experience was quite unfruitful as I couldn't quite handle the new alliance with orcs who were, after all, cause to so many wars.
I was not alone with my thoughts - quite a few of my new friends amongst Jaina's forces and many of the newly joined night elves, including Zarhan, also felt alike. After the victory from the Scrouge, I continued with my search on Kalimdor for a while, but eventually returned to Eastern Kingdoms.