Seador Apply

A safe place for closed application.
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Seador Apply

Post by Seador » 11 Feb 2009, 09:59

I made one apply early, but I have no clue where it has gone :P It just vanishet :P
So I make new one :)

1. What is your character's name, race, class and level?
Hello. I am seador level 65 human death knight

2. Is this character your main character? Have you had any other characters before this one?
Yes this is my main.

3. What are you looking for in a guild? (raiding, PvP, RP events etc..?)
Well I would wish for learn more RP. Haven't done it much and it would be really great to know the RP things better.
Raiding of course some :)

4. What do you expect from <The Raven Council>?
Well I don't have any special expections from you guys :D

5. Why <The Raven Council> and not any other guild?
My sister is in this guild and I have seen how it works and looks really good guild for me :)

6. Where (or from whom) did you hear about <The Raven Council>?
From my sister clarisse/leanin

7. Who are you? (please tell us a little about the real life you).
Hello. I am sami 19 years old. I live in finland.
I don't have any hobbies or anything, just hanging around with my GF and doing all nice things with her.
So I don't play "much" wow around like 3-5hours in day. Sometimes longer.

Well I think that was all for now, but if you have some more questons feel free to ask :)

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Re: Seador Apply

Post by Seador » 12 Feb 2009, 07:03

Small update I just lvld up to 66 and now I'm half way of lvl 67.

And I wish I could get some answers soon :roll: .. I understand if it takes a while before you can say that do I get in or not, but as I have a talked with my sis clarissse and she has told me that I would get in right after the freeze end. All what I would have to do is the apply. and now it's done..

I just wanted to ask that, do I have to take contact to someone of you in game. Or will you take contact to me?

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Re: Seador Apply

Post by Jaera » 12 Feb 2009, 13:43

patience padawan ;)

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Re: Seador Apply

Post by Seador » 12 Feb 2009, 21:02

Yes yes.. I just can't wait that I get in. As I really really really want to get to this guild :D just need some patency;)

Btw lvl 67 now, maybe 70 in the weekend

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Re: Seador Apply

Post by Pyx » 13 Feb 2009, 17:53

