Josephijne,70 Prot Warrior

A safe place for closed application.
Posts: 4056
Character name: Zarhan

Re: Josephijne,70 Prot Warrior

Post by Zarhan » 01 Jun 2008, 23:53

Josephijne wrote: 4. What do you expect from <The Raven Council>?I expect nice and friendly members that wants to progress and gives 100% at the raids but that we still have fun on raids.
Before going any further, you'd probably better take a look at and the second news item. So nothing beyond ZA and Kara now until WotLK hits...

Posts: 10887
Character name: Aliqh
Location: Netherlands
WoW character race: Night Elf
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Post by Alikh » 02 Jun 2008, 08:39

Can you give a small explanation of your name? It seems a bit odd for a gnome at least. Is it Joseph + Ijne or Josephine but with a 'j' added? I can hardly imagine a language where Josephijne would be normal. It almost sounds Dutch.

Posts: 4056
Character name: Zarhan

Post by Zarhan » 03 Jun 2008, 14:40

We had a discussion amongst officers and the decision is that you are not to be invited at this time. The general feeling is that based on your application you have such a big focus on raiding (even though you claim to be happy with Kara/ZA) that during summer, well, you'd frankly become very bored due to the lack of activity and end up leaving.

(Last week's ZA raid for example turned into 8-manning Kara with PuGs due to people rather being out in the sun). This is bound to happen again so the 3-raids-a-week schedule might be a bit optimistic.

Feel free to reapply in September, but right now I doubt we are what you are looking for.

Posts: 4056
Character name: Zarhan

Post by Zarhan » 03 Jun 2008, 14:41

<not recruited>
