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Vvurnon, Fury Warrior.

Posted: 21 Aug 2024, 21:40
by Vvarg
Who is your character?
My warband consists of Vvurnon the Dark Iron Fury Warrior, who I intend to use as main for TWW. I have Vvio the Tauren Druid, who I'll use for some extra open world content. Last of all there is Rizziakh, my human warlock who I only intend to level up, he's been my main since vanilla.

Who are you?
My name is Wieger, I'm 50 years old and I'm from Gouda.

I like levelling and dungeons. Love the new crafting systems. Will try to raid just to see the content. Probably no PvP.

Guild history
None in retail WoW. I was in a levelling guild in classic cataclysm, but that version of the game is just too toxic.

I've known Pyxnotazi for over 40 years now.

About you
I'm married and I have a 4 year old daughter. Work in IT at a hospital. Into tabletop RPG's, boardgames and philosophy. Started WoW in US beta, played each expansion less and less, think Dragonflight was a step in the right direction but a shame I started so late.

Incredibly rude.

Re: Vvurnon, Fury Warrior.

Posted: 21 Aug 2024, 21:48
by Jimmble
Oh! Vvarg! It's you!

The silly minions some "Vvyzzard" or "Vvizzard" wants to join, that's why they sent you to make app!

But you are already a member, hihi. Just poke a gnome for an invite!

Re: Vvurnon, Fury Warrior.

Posted: 22 Aug 2024, 08:58
by Vvarg
Whoopsie! Yeah I made Vvyzard to try and fill out my warband, but already deleted him. I'll try to find a gnome in game today!

Re: Vvurnon, Fury Warrior.

Posted: 22 Aug 2024, 08:59
by Lampris
Welcome back!

Re: Vvurnon, Fury Warrior.

Posted: 26 Aug 2024, 18:12
by Jimmble