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Lorhark signing up for adventure! [Raiding]

Posted: 29 Jan 2022, 15:07
by Zylo
Who is your character?
Lorhark, Disc specced priest

Who are you?
42 year old danish male

My prior raiding experience comes from pre-2013, where I've done alot of raidleading.

Raid Role
My role is to protect the raid with good pw:shields, and not neccesarily healing. I judge my own performance in terms of deaths avoided, not healing/damage done. I'm currently in the process of knocking off old rust, but feel in good shape.

Your Spec
As a disc priest, I focus mainly on my pw:shields. My reasoning is, that my shields give time for healing from other sources, be that my own or others.

Off-specs and Alternative characters
I have not tinkered with my offspecs yet. I will be preparing all my alts for raiding as well, and will hopefully be able to fill any role in the future. Currently my priest is raid ready, and my pallytank is getting there.

I have a mic, and know how to use (and not use) it ;)

Combat Logs
No logs so far

Your UI
My UI is not set up yet, but I have the recommended addons.

Guild History
I have alot of history pre-2013, which is hardly relevant. When I came back, I joined TRC.

Raid availability
Currently available for all raid nights


About you
calm, down to earth. Not fond of standing in fire.

Know alot of anekdotes from back in the day :D

Re: Lorhark signing up for adventure! [Raiding]

Posted: 29 Jan 2022, 15:19
by Fahranya
Approved for trial