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Classic - Social application

Posted: 14 Nov 2019, 20:45
by Sylvinia
Who is your character?
Sylvinia, Night Elf, Druid

Who are you?
Daniel, 33, UK

A bit of everything, hence being a Druid.

Guild history
I was in the guild previously during WotLK. I have tried to get back into WoW a couple of times since then but retail never held my interest for long.

I am definitely going to be sticking around for classic WoW, so I decided to check the Raven Council website to see if you had a presence in it. You do, so you’re the only guild I’m interested in joining.

About you
I played consistently from late Vanilla to WotLK. I have a full time job and family now so hope to catch a few hours play time evenings and weekends when I can.

We have all rolled one at least once, right?

Re: Classic - Social application

Posted: 14 Nov 2019, 20:48
by Jimmble
Welcome back! Just poke an officer for an invite!