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Carnillean social application

Posted: 10 Nov 2019, 16:18
by Carnillean
Hello Raven Council! I am Carnillean in game and I hope you all are faring well, I wish to apply to your guild as a social player and perhaps work my way up slowly as a raider.

Who is your character?
Carnillean, Human Rogue.

Who are you?
Jurre Rodenburg, 29 from Holland.

I currently have a rogue that I want to PvP with in phase two and level a Paladin on the side.

Guild history
Mostly small social guilds in Vanilla.

I've head of a requirement ad in Winterspring about your guild. I eventually ended up in an Onyxia pug raid together with one of your members Evilmorty, and he was lucky enough to win the head of Onyxia with a roll of 98, with that I decided I wanted to join, a lucky gnome like that must be a good sign. On top of that I like the guild name and the tabard looks good.

About you
Personally I am a pretty fun loving person that's always open to help another out. I never really got around pvp'ing in Vanilla and I'd like to give that a proper shot this time in Classic. on the side I want to try a paladin healer for raids and tanking in dungeons.

They can be a good for all humanoid kind if directed properly.

See you out there and have fun, I'll be killing horde when phase two hits!


Re: Carnillean social application

Posted: 10 Nov 2019, 20:15
by Zephilie
Hello Carnillean thank you for your app please give us some time to review it.

Re: Carnillean social application

Posted: 11 Nov 2019, 07:26
by Jimmble
Your application has been approved! Please poke an officer in-game for a guild invite.

Re: Carnillean social application

Posted: 11 Nov 2019, 17:08
by Jimmble