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Application RG 2 attluck protection warrior

Posted: 08 Sep 2019, 23:45
by cbsb22
Who is your character?
[attluck, Warrior protection ... od/attluck, ... od/Attluck

Who are you?
Name Chris age 23 location Denmark

my prior experience is a bit lacking, when it comes to raid. never got the opportunity to join you guys in prior expansions. which is why I'm trying out for RG 2 and gonna try to prove my worth with you guys

Raid Role
role in a raid team I look at big guy charge the big guy and then hope to keep the big guys attention long enough for my dps to take him out. which i prepare for by watching fatbosstv guide and you can never really quite determine how you did when you don't have to much experience. which is why i of course try to ask the healers and raid leaders if they saw any major flaws in what i did to become better for next time

Your Spec
artifact lvl is at 60 as of right now,, stat priorities mastery and versatillity don't belive there is any weird talent choices, and I'm always open for suggestion to try to improve what i have already going on so nothing is set in stone for me

Off-specs and Alternative characters
I would not feel comfortable going off spec at this given point in time. and i don't have any other characters as of now to join into raiding. there might come a dark iron dwarf healer later down the line but not in the immediate future

have a microphone and on the discord for the guild already as well and don't mind using the fourm if that is were the planning on how to beat a boss is laid battletage is DaWiking#2118

Combat Logs ... Protection
have never used logs before and have not done any raid beside LF raid which i know can't really be compared at all still trying my best with mythic and to get higher and higher in those

Your UI
have not set up my UI completly yet and would like to hear of good addons to add onto it, cause i might not have everything. have talked with daeron about addons but could be that the list could be expanded

Guild History
been in no other guilds beside for exp boost

Raid availability
should be able to make it to all of the raid days as things stand of right now

heard about you guys originally from daeron as well, he should be able to tell you more of me if needed

About you
what is there to say beside hopping to kick some raids bosses ass. and if you ever need a tank for anything i would be more than pleased to help you out

for the gnomes

Re: Application RG 2 attluck protection warrior

Posted: 09 Sep 2019, 01:22
by Sherelia
He is honest, thats a good given!
But would you be able to share your UI, (just make sure you attack a dummy or so and did some spells, then make the print screen). Because otherwise it's hard to advice you on addons to perhaps use if we dont know what you already use ^_^

Edit: Also personally i think your UI should be efficient, thats mostly important, something you feel comfortable with using. Having 3 UI addons that makes u comfortable and do good performance vs a 12 addons UI that makes u more confused, yet alot of people use them so you do it too, i'd say would just be smarter to use your own style of playing.

Re: Application RG 2 attluck protection warrior

Posted: 09 Sep 2019, 10:34
by Fahranya
Thank you for your application. Please give us some time to review it. :)

Re: Application RG 2 attluck protection warrior

Posted: 10 Sep 2019, 15:57
by Fahranya
Accepted for trial.