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[Social] Charize -Granny- McGouly.. some kind of mage

Posted: 02 Dec 2018, 21:03
by CharSan
Well eh.. 'ello ter ya .. This 'ere boy Jimmble.. Some kind of great leader of ya people apparently be asking me ter apply ter ya group of merry boys and girls. Me name be Charize, but ya can call me Granny fer sure. I be called that allready fer many of them youngling ages... Oh! but I be forgetting ya Goblic burocrats be needing some kind of format nay?

Let me see if I can be doing this them right way then... *slams the head of a dead Murloc on her keyboard*


Who is your character?
Well this 'ere be rather pointless be it ner, ya big goblin? As I said, I be Granny! Ya can look me up on them big book using me name Charize on them realm of Defias Brotherhood.

Who are you?
*sighs* This be getting rediculas ya know? Me nephew.. may them elders be 'avind fun with 'is soul.. kept telling me some 10-12 years ago ter come and join them battle against them orcs and such. I be doing that on them realm of Earthen Ring as .. well.. kind of incarnations. I be thinking I werent that very bad at it back then 'onestly.. We be killing lots of them old stuff.. ya know.. a big dragon, some of them ugly ones in Sil.. Silitg... Bug!! Ya be knowing them!

When them dark portal opened and many of them deamons of them Outland be comming ter our 'omes... Then me age took over ya see.. I be exploring them new world fer sure.. Did some 'elping around ya know.. but I be ner fighting as 'ard anymore... I left them war for like 10 years or so....

Mmm... Killing things mostly. I be trying ter find me old bird ter fly in them new islands ya know? It be lazy since I be getting there.. But fer that.. oh well, I be sure ya know it... I be 'elping out a lot of them war and such..

Guild history
Now, that would be telling would't it? But it might be worth saying that I be in some group that apparently could't understand me much and be telling me in them big ugly pink lettering that I be ner talking normal.. And I should be using all these silly make up words like 'noob' or 'Mythic+' ... and if I be ner thinking about me ... eeh... 'item level' I be ner a good person..

Well... if ya opinion be that too - please tell me so- but it be seeming that ya little gnome boy Jimmble be talking normal as well.. So I was be 'oping that would be ok...

Ya silly one Jimmble got me talking on some boat in Boralus. He told me ter apply 'ere.. Said there be plenty of things ter kill and also plenty of younglings ter bother till their ears nevermind....

About you
Oh .. I be ner sure.. I be ..eeh. old? Slow and ya know.. me bones ache and all.. but I be a mage.. so I can make ya all bread... I be living in Ironforge fer them last 10 years me them brother of me dead 'usband. 'E be (them brother that be) a bit slow and needed a lot of care. But 'e found 'imself a nice redelf girl now... So I rejoined them war..

What der ya mean? Are we ... ner good enough fer ya all? Is this one of them big ones group of poeple? Who like ter throw us around??


Well... I 'ope I did well in this 'ere format... Per'aps we be seeing some of ya in them war? Let me know if ya be needing a portal ter somewhere. Last time I be sending of of ya boys through one, she be getting 'erself to 'er 'ear in them mud of the tar pits in them crater... but ... ya know.. old..

*dozes off in a chair*

Re: [Social] Charize -Granny- McGouly.. some kind of mage

Posted: 02 Dec 2018, 21:05
by Jimmble
Hello, grandma!

Re: [Social] Charize -Granny- McGouly.. some kind of mage

Posted: 02 Dec 2018, 21:07
by Charize
See! I be telling ya this 'ere boy knows me!

Ner that that can be counting fer anyone.. 'E be mad as a doorknob...

Re: [Social] Charize -Granny- McGouly.. some kind of mage

Posted: 02 Dec 2018, 21:11
by Jimmble
How old are you, grandma?

Re: [Social] Charize -Granny- McGouly.. some kind of mage

Posted: 02 Dec 2018, 21:12
by Charize
Did ya mother ner teaching ya manners? Der never ask a woman 'er age me dear...


Re: [Social] Charize -Granny- McGouly.. some kind of mage

Posted: 02 Dec 2018, 21:14
by Jimmble

Re: [Social] Charize -Granny- McGouly.. some kind of mage

Posted: 03 Dec 2018, 21:36
by Jimmble