Like to join

A safe place for closed application.

Like to join

Post by CosmoBancho » 04 Jun 2006, 01:41

Hi, I'm a lvl 38 paladin and looking to join your guild. I like to RP and to PvP.
My characters name is Paul

Posts: 10887
Character name: Aliqh
Location: Netherlands
WoW character race: Night Elf
WoW character class: Demon Hunter character avatar: Aliqh

Post by Alikh » 04 Jun 2006, 01:44

Hi, please read the sticky note and answer the 4 questions, so we get a little better idea of who you are.
Thanks for your interest in this guild.


Post by Guest » 04 Jun 2006, 01:49

ahh sorry was in a bit of hurry.

1.Paul , Human, Paladin, 38

2. Main (my first character is on another sever but hasn't been used for 6 months)

3. RP-PvP

3. seeking more players at my level.


Post by CosmoBancho » 04 Jun 2006, 01:58

looking at the other posts makes my application look a bit bare, should i elaborate more?

Posts: 10887
Character name: Aliqh
Location: Netherlands
WoW character race: Night Elf
WoW character class: Demon Hunter character avatar: Aliqh

Post by Alikh » 04 Jun 2006, 02:34

A little elaboration would be nice.
For example, tell us a bit more about yourself what kind of player you are. Do you like to pvp a lot, are you a casual or fulltime roleplayer, do you wanna do end-game content mostly, stuff like that.
And where you came from, another guild/server and if you left that guild, why did you leave.

The one by shaah is a good example. ;)


Post by Guest » 04 Jun 2006, 02:58

I'm a casual RPer (though did a stint of fulltime RP when i was in a Pirate guild ....but thats another story) :wink: .

I like to PvP though i'm only planning to start seriously at lvl60.

I left my old guild as there arn't any number of players at my level and end up grouping in PUGs and there is lack of any real leadership and direction.

I'd like do end game raids mostly becuase my retired my rogue (which got to lvl 60) before i left WoW for a while before going into real endgame (BWL and MC) (Paul was made before i took a break from WoW when the server just started). When i restarted, the server (exectus)the server lost alot of players (on low all the time) and my old guild didn't exist anymore. Since most MC/BWL guilds were not recruiting (espcailly as a rogue). I wanted to try a completely diffent class and start fresh.
