Tahlali Night Elf rogue application

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Dark Raven
Posts: 401
Character name: Graunwan
Location: Finland

Tahlali Night Elf rogue application

Post by Tahlali » 11 Feb 2008, 13:01

1. In-game name, race, class and level.

Tahlali, Night Elf, Rogue, lvl 20.

2. Is the character you will join with your first character/main character?

This is my first and my main character.
I also have lvl11 Human Paladin in the same realm.

3. What kind of guild are you looking for? (ex. pvp-guild, rp-guild, raid-guild etc. You don't have to choose one of the three just mentioned.)

As this is my first character, I didn't have much knowledge about guilds in general.
I came to this realm because of one of your member's (Humur, Naessa) wish. From the guilds I'm mostly looking for RP/PVP and to get new friends.

4. What's your goal for joining our guild? (ex. only have fun, end-game instances, etc.)

Most important reason is to have fun with a group. Also as a new player developing my character(s) together with other players is quite important at the beginning. This is what I am doing with Naessa at the moment.
Raiding and PvP stuff will come later in the game for me.

5. In addition to the above questions, please tell us more about yourself. Remember that if we haven't met you before, this will be our first impression of you so try to give as much relevant information as you can.

I'm 29 year old guy from Finland. For WoW I am a starter but I have been playing previous Warcraft games a lot.
I really enjoy doing quests with someone else or a group. I'm looking for a chance to help others with their quests.

I'll be happy to give more information if needed.

Posts: 1240
Character name: Rhaena
Location: London

Post by Rhaena » 12 Feb 2008, 11:56

You no take candle!
