Incredulus - low level Priest

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Incredulus - low level Priest

Post by Incredulus » 05 Jan 2020, 16:33

Who is your character?
My characters is Incredulus the Female Human Priest. Right now level 13 on ZT Classic.

Who are you?
My name is Peter, I'm 29 and I'm from Sweden. Tjena!

I like most things PvE. Dungeons, raids and also levling, as dumb as that might sound. I did play some arena with my brother in Burning Crusade, but it's not really my thing.

Guild history
On classic mostly random "levling guilds". In Burning Crusade I was with a noname guild raiding casually. Since then I got a taste for it and with a couple of friends we created a guild and raided semi hardcore in every expansion (expect Cataclysm for some reason) up to the start of Legion. (We did Emerald Nightmare but then broke off.)

General chat message, haven't heard of you before, but I haven't played on the servers you've been active on. So I guess that explains why.

About you
So my name's Peter. 29. Getting old in February. I'm a aspiring electrical engineer but right now working as a high voltage industrial electrician. I've played a lot of WoW through the years, definitely not as experienced as some, but I've been through my share of content. I'm joining you as a social since I'm too low level to raid and I don't have time raiding right now, because of work. Also I'm going for a Holy spec on this character so I can farm low level dungeons to level if there's people up for it! I'm open for questions if there's anything more specific you want to know.

People seem to hate them for some reason, I think they are productive members of society! And should be treated with.. an amount of respect.

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Re: Incredulus - low level Priest

Post by Jimmble » 05 Jan 2020, 16:45

Thanks for your application. Please, give us some time to review it.

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Dark Raven
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Re: Incredulus - low level Priest

Post by Zephilie » 05 Jan 2020, 19:56

Your app has been approved poke officer for an invite.

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Posts: 7473
Character name: Jimmble
Location: under your bed
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Re: Incredulus - low level Priest

Post by Jimmble » 06 Jan 2020, 19:39

