Who is your character?
-Zulunai, Enhancement Shaman (main application)
https://www.wowprogress.com/character/e ... od/Zulunai
https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-gb/chara ... od/zulunai
-Zulunae, Vengeance Demon Hunter (back up but actually my current main character)
https://www.wowprogress.com/character/e ... od/Zulunae
https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-gb/chara ... od/zulunae
Who are you?
-Hi, my name is Owen, I'm 30 and from Belgium. I don't like talking about myself.
-Not a whole lot of experience in the current expansion, kept it casual till now since after pandaria. Just did LFR now and again.
Used to be in a top hardcore guild back in the TBC days trying to compete with Nihilum / Glodge but we were always a few hours behind, but forgot the name of it. Cleared every raid in Vanilla, TBC while they were current, went semi hardcore after that with WoTLK and as a filthy casual since Cataclysm.
Raid Role
-Currently not in a raiding team but would be DPS as shaman, Tank as DH. Nobody does preparation for LFR, but in an actual raiding guild just know the tactics and be geared properly, food buffs won't save you if you don't know your poo.
Only way to judge yourself is considering if you really gave it your best and you did what you were suppose to. And my source would be icy veins for new things and keeping updated.
Your Spec
-Artifact is bit low on Shaman but that will improve fast if I main him. Not much point going into the whole stat / spec choices, he needs some work and I would just be copying the reasons from icy veins.
I'll be sure to spam gear the Shaman, because it's a bit lacking currently. Should get him up easily enough, only took me a week to get 425 on my main, so shouldn't take long.
Off-specs and Alternative characters
-I don't do off specs, I'm a purist. And I linked my current main above aswell.
[Do you have a microphone] Check
[How comfortable are you with using it during encounters if needed?] Always if needed
[Are you..forums for..check back regularly for important information?] You use discord right?
[Battle Tag] Solunae#2266
Combat Logs
-Guess I'll start using this if it's needed.
Your UI
-Nothing too special here, just using elvui. https://puu.sh/E4Ubk/6ed3482676.jpg
Guild History
-Just in a social guild with 6 people right now called Carnage Kings, need more activity and some content clearing.
Raid availability
-All good, don't see any problem.
-Saw recruitment message in chat while I was looking for a raiding guild. So I thought, why not give it a shot. I wanted to apply with my tank but seems you don't need any right now, so shaman dps it is.
About you
-I like cats. I don't like talking about myself.
-Do Re Mi Fa Sol La Si Do
[Raider] Zulunai, 120 Enhancement Shaman
Re: [Raider] Zulunai, 120 Enhancement Shaman
Thank you for your application. Please give us some time to deliberate.
Re: [Raider] Zulunai, 120 Enhancement Shaman
Dutch or French part of belgium?
O O O and what you think of gnome? *hides*
O O O and what you think of gnome? *hides*
Re: [Raider] Zulunai, 120 Enhancement Shaman
Dutch part.
And gnomes, the world needs more of them.
And gnomes, the world needs more of them.
Re: [Raider] Zulunai, 120 Enhancement Shaman
Im sorry it took us so long to respond. After consideration we decided to decline you.
I wish you good luck somewhere else.
I wish you good luck somewhere else.
Re: [Raider] Zulunai, 120 Enhancement Shaman
<not recruited>