[Raider] Danijal 120 Assassination Rogue

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Character name: Danyeal
Location: Sweden

[Raider] Danijal 120 Assassination Rogue

Post by Danyeal » 29 Apr 2019, 12:26

Who is your character?
-https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-gb/chara ... od/danijal

Who are you?

Like most of you I've been raiding since launch. My latest curve raiding achievment has been during Highmaul in WOD. After the guild disbanded I quit playing. I picked up the game again about 2-3 weeks ago and thought it would be fun to start raiding again, specially with irl "friends" like Jingles. I've played different classes during different expansions. Everything from resto druids to frost mages.

Raid Role?
I prepare for raiding by looking up the different tactics for the different bosses, having the right potions and flasks, food buffs, and making sure I'm not interrupted during the raiding period time. I have the attitude that you're never fully learned, you can always get better with your class, your rotations, your decisions and so on. I'm a big fan of having a "class-channel" in a guild where the same people that play i.e a rogue can discuss and come up with solutions/tactics for a particular boss or strategy.

Your Spec
I chose to play assassination because for me thats the most enjoyable specc for a Rogue. I like the playstyle of slowly bleeding out and intoxicating the opponent. My playstyle and build is a copy of the "Assassination Rogue DPS guide from Icy-Veins". Since Ive been gone for a few expansions I thought that thats a good place to start. I'm always keen to suggestions that can improve my gameplay and in that way improve the raiding group.

Off-specs and Alternative characters
I dont mind respeccing for different fights though it'll naturally slow down my performance since Im used to another build, but practice makes perfect. I unfortunately dont have any alt's and I dont intend to level up any alts for a long period of time since I wanna focus on my main.

I'm very social and I love to talk to other guild members, be it in gchat or discord, I'm comfortable using both. Forums are also a nice touch.

Combat Logs
No combat logs as of now since I havent raided and I just got the ilevel to join LFR's.

Your UI
I like to keep my UI pretty basic. The only add-ons I usually have is DBM for raiding. I feel like the more I have on my screen the harder it is to focus on the simple things.

Guild History
I've joined TRC because of Jingles. I also think its awesome that the guild has been alive since 2005. As I mentioned before I raided in a guild (who's name I dont remember, maybe Jingles does?) on Tarren Mill. I didnt really quit the guild since it disbanded and everyone went their separate ways unfortunately.

Raid availability
The raiding time is one of the big reasons why I wanna raid with TRC. I will start my new job in September. Its a job where you work some late night shifts. Other than that I have no problems with the raid time availability.


About you
Former military, train grappling, when I was 14 I accidently killed my own baby turtle, Bowser, by stepping on him in the middle of the night, I live with my girlfriend in Sweden, ride motorcycles, love Burger King, favorite drink is Cola zero, favorite snack is pringles sour cream n onion, I smile everytime Jimmble comes online because of his mustache, I love the WoW lore, and I think thats it. Feel free to ask any questions at all.

Im working on my ilevel to get it around 400 before I start raiding with you guys. Other than that, thanks for reading! See you online.

EDIT: Thought it would be good to write my raiding experience aswell even though its ancient!

Vanilla: All clear up till Heigan, Naxx
TBC: All clear till Muru, Sunwell
WOTLK: All clear normal mode
Cata: All clear till Heroic Ragna
Mop: Didnt play MOP
WOD: Highmaul till mythic Ogron
Legion: Didnt play Legion
BFA: Nothing yet

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Re: [Raider] Danijal 120 Assassination Rogue

Post by Fahranya » 29 Apr 2019, 15:29

Thank you for your application, Danijal. Please give us some time to deliberate.
