Who is your character?
My character name is Andunath, Blood DK (Main) Frost (secondary)
Wowprogress - https://www.wowprogress.com/character/e ... d/Andunath
Armory - https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-gb/chara ... d/andunath
Who are you?
My name is Jason, I'm 30 years old and I'm from London.
To which Raid Group are you Applying?
I am applying to RG2.
I started getting into raiding properly when WotLK came out (even though I have been playing since vanilla). I didn't raid in Cataclysm or Mists as I wasn't playing then (plus I wasn't keen on those expansions). I came back in WoD and started raiding again up to Heroic mode. In Legion I have cleared ToS Normal/HC and have cleared Antorus Normal/HC.
Raid Role
My first and current raid role is main tank. Sometimes I will DPS on occasion. If I was to prepare for a new raid tier I would make sure to watch all relevant videos and read the necessary guides to familiarise myself with the boss mechanics. Preparing generally I'd make sure I'd have my flasks, food, runes etc.
Your Spec
My main Artifact level is 72. I always start my rotations with Death and Decay in order to build up RP with the help of Rapid Decomposition talent. I also open up with Blood drinker once the boss starts attacking. I heart strike as usual to keep RP and also weaving in Marrowrend to make sure stacks are kept to the maximum. Also I keep blood boil going to keep blood plague up so I can maintain crimson scourage procs. I always use CDs where possible.
Off-specs and Alternative characters
I am quite comfortable in switching to my off-spec which is Frost DPS. I also have a Demon Hunter alt (main spec tank) who can also do Antorus HC. I have played my demon hunter quite a lot and got her geared up in order to be able to do HC content smoothly.
Nesiri - https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-gb/chara ... ood/nesiri
I have a microphone and I am happy to use it when necessary for the raid. I will also make sure to check the forums regularly. My battletag is Saranath#2930
Combat Logs
https://www.warcraftlogs.com/character/ ... d/andunath
I will be honest I have not really used it much if at all as I don't quite understand how it works! I'd be happy to learn and look into using it more.
Your UI
I don't have a picture to hand as I'm using my work computer. I do use standard UI which I've been using since Vanilla (it works for me) I also have DBM, Recount and GTFO addons.
Guild History
My previous guild in Legion was a social/casual guild called Leleke and the chipmunks.
Raid availability
Yes I can generally make all the times except Wednesdays as I have martial arts class to attend 7-8pm GMT. I could take the occasional Wednesday off though if I'm feeling lazy.
I moved over to Defias Brotherhood/Alliance to join my mate Lampris, but I never got round to joining. He's asked me to come over a few times recently and now is the time I think!
About you
I'm a mystery!
Thank you for taking the time to read my application.
Andunath Blood DK - Application to RG2
Andunath Blood DK - Application to RG2
Last edited by Andunath on 22 Jan 2018, 23:56, edited 1 time in total.
- Jimmble
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Re: Andunath Blood DK - Application to RG2
Smelly smelly smelly!
*gnomefeet running away*
*gnomefeet running away*
Re: Andunath Blood DK - Application to RG2
Another Lampris friend! Please recruit!
"Guild History
My previous guild in Legion was a social/casual guild called Leleke and the chipmunks. "
At TRC it's more like "Jimmble and the Chipmunks"
"Guild History
My previous guild in Legion was a social/casual guild called Leleke and the chipmunks. "
At TRC it's more like "Jimmble and the Chipmunks"
Re: Andunath Blood DK - Application to RG2
Thank you for your application. Please give us some time to deliberate.
“I am so clever that sometimes I don't understand a single word of what I am saying.”