Who is your character?
Ulelith, sub Rogue
https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-gb/chara ... od/ulelith
https://www.wowprogress.com/character/e ... od/Ulelith
Who are you?
Alex, 25, sweden. Work as a developer
To which Raid Group are you Applying?
I am applying for RG2
Vanilla: all tiers except AQ40(Hunter/warrior dps)
TBC: All tiers up to Sunwell brutalus( fury warrior/mage)
Wrath: All tiers except and raids except Ulduar,naxx and ruby. ICC heroic 10m up to LK but never downing him if memory serves me right ( prot warrior)
Cataclysm: BRD normal clear, bastion normal clear, winds normal clear, firelands heroic up to raggy( but never downed raggy himself) ( prot warrior)
MOP: Cleared most in normal/heroicup to ToT which I cleared on heroic. SoO heroic cleared, cant remember how far I got in mythic ( joined animosity in this tier)(Prot warrior)
WoD: University came in here. Highmaul heroic up to last boss, quit serious raiding to prio studies, pugged things in normal on the other tiers, but nothing special.( prot warrior/hunter/holy paladin)
Legion: EN heroic but not xavius through pugging(enhancement shaman). NH heroic cleared(assassination rogue)
ToS: Cleared up to and including host(Sub rogue)
Everything mentioned here have been raided in current tier only. Raiding old tiers dont count in my eyes as it offers no exceptional challenge.
Raid Role
Current role right now is raid leader for The Dark Abyss(before I quit) Beyond "normal raid leading responsibilities", as a raider it goes as follows:
Tactics: Youtube guides if its a tricky boss(fatboss) and I usually check the journal ingame for the specifics of abilities.
Performance analysis: warcraftlogs( check dot uptimes, damage done, damage taken, what did I take the most damage from) Also keep tabs on ingame analysis through recount logs between wipes such as Damage done, dps, damage taken, what I took damage from the most etc.
Keeping up to date: I always sim my own stat weights, talents, gear, upgrades etc.use stat weights with pawn for upgrades. when trying out different setups I sit on a dummies for awhile checking various data on recount. I also keep constant tabs on icy veins for what the " standard recommendations" for my spec is. I check MMO champ daily for balance changes, and ususally drop by rogue wow forums to look for specific discussion on upcoming nerfs/buffs.
Your Spec
Artifact level: 54, Ilvl 936.
Stat prio: agility>Mastery > versa > crit> haste
Mastery gives most bang for buck after agility since your main damage ability is evis, versa is just a straight up damage boost. crit and haste is meh for sub since they dont really have anything that has massive synergy with those stats.
My own simmed stats usually deviate slightly from this depending on every upgrade I get. But right now because my vers is on the low side it is my best stat.
Sub follows a very standard prio list.
Use shadowblades CD
Keep Nightblade dot up at all times
Symbols on CD( always have vanish/Shadow dance ready for this)
Shadow dance when you have 1 charge and roughly 20-15 seconds until charge 2 is ready.
Goremaws bite depends on situation: you want to use it outside of shadowdance when you have low energy and atleast 3 open combo points
shadow strike as many globals as you can inside dance/vanish( except when on 5-6 CP, then you evis)
Dump all combo points into evis when you dont need to refresh Nightblade.
Backstab when you have nothing else to do.
Aoe> nightblade maintarget, shuriken storm to to 5-6 CP's then dump evis into prio target. Get as many shadow dances in as possible ( fast recharge in aoe enviroment) Use goremaws bite when you begin to loose momentum so you can keep going.
Resources cap prio: shadow dances > combo points > energy.
Essentially you never want to be capped on shadow dance charges(ever) even if you are energy and CP capped
Off-specs and Alternative characters
I have no viable characters when it comes to item level for ToS, and Sub is currently the defacto best spec for rogues atm.
[Do you have a microphone and how comfortable are you with using it during encounters if needed? Are you happy to use these forums for discussion of tactics/general scheming, and check back regularly for important information? Please also leave your Battle Tag here so that officers can get in touch with you faster if needed.]
Microphone level: Not the least uncomfortable talking, I've done this dance for a while.
Forums work fine with me.
BattleTag: Monzae#2348
Combat Logs
https://www.warcraftlogs.com/character/ ... od/ulelith
ToS logs are abit slim, the guild logger quit the guild and I kinda havent gotten around to setting up my own.
Your UI
Afraid I dont have a live raid UI. additions to what you see on the screen is:
Grid for raid party.
More DBM stuff on the screen.
A weak aura tracking every raiders cooldown on interrupts ( pretty handy for things like inquisitors in ToS)
Guild History
Ive been in alot of guilds through the years. Some of the one i remember that raided are: Ubiquity(defias),The esoteric foundation(defias). The most recent one being Animosity, which I quit as a raider because I began university, and then quit as a social because I wanted to find a raid guild that took it abit easier. My latest guild, The dark abyss I joined by a slump while lvling this rogue, I met an old friend from animosity and sticked around. Fastforward from early NH to now. I left the guild because internal drama caused half the core raiders to jump ship, unable to keep a stable roster, progress and most of the raiding as a guild in general grinded to a halt, now most guild raids are filled with pugs/social raiders/new people, and a very few portion of dedicated raiders. So I got bored and frustrated and decided to find a new guild.
I began looking for a raid guild today and targeted guilds with early mythic/ end of heroic progress and few raids days. Because I work full-time I want to raid seriously but not 4 times a week. So I looked at raidprogress/realm forums and ended up finding you guys. First I was thinking about RG1 but thought it could be a good idea to start out in RG2 and get a feel for the guild, and raid a little less while I get into work routines (I began working just this monday). But if RG2 actually gets into mythic Id rather experience the progress from scratch in that group, rather than join RG1, that already downed several bosses.
Raid availability
[Can you generally make all of our raiding days/times, or are there any difficulties with this? Our current raid schedule is found here.]
No, I can make all of them
I found you through wow progress/ realm forums.
as for vouching. Id probably go with Axi, a worgen priest from animosity. We've been buddies for a long time and we've raided a fair share together. I wouldnt really count on getting vouches from anyone in The dark abyss(considering I left today)
About you
Long time wow player, but I also play league now and then. Im 25 years old, from sweden.
I just finished a bachelor in Computer Science, and landed my first job as a developer a few weeks ago.
Not sure what else there is to say? Im fairly standard, I work, sleep, and play video games.
Ill make sure to host an AmA in the future.
I spoke with an officer/leader for RG2 earlier(I forgot your, name sorry), he seemed positive
[RG2] Ulelith, Lvl 110 Sub Rogue
- Cecîl
- (Cellyca)
- Dark Raven
- recruitment, guild bank
- Posts: 778
- Character name: Cellyca
- WoW character class: Druid
- Specialization: recruitment, guild bank
Re: [RG2] Ulelith, Lvl 110 Sub Rogue
Thank you for your application, give us a while to deliberate.
- Cecîl
- (Cellyca)
- Dark Raven
- recruitment, guild bank
- Posts: 778
- Character name: Cellyca
- WoW character class: Druid
- Specialization: recruitment, guild bank
Re: [RG2] Ulelith, Lvl 110 Sub Rogue
<Accepted for trial>
- Cecîl
- (Cellyca)
- Dark Raven
- recruitment, guild bank
- Posts: 778
- Character name: Cellyca
- WoW character class: Druid
- Specialization: recruitment, guild bank
Re: [RG2] Ulelith, Lvl 110 Sub Rogue
<Trial passed>