[RG1] Aldron, Ret paladin

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[RG1] Aldron, Ret paladin

Post by Mélisandra » 02 Feb 2017, 15:31

Who is your character?
Class: Paladin
http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/d ... ron/simple

Who are you?

My name is Markus Näslund, 23 years old and living in sweden.
I am applying to raid group 1.

Wotlk: I raided pretty much all the content in wotlk, either through pugging or with current guilds.
Cata: BoT N, BwD N, TotfW N, Firelands N, Dragon soul HC
Mop: MsV N, HoF N, ToeS N, ToT N, SoO HC (cutting edge garrosh)
WoD: HM 3/7 M, BrF 7/10 M, HfC 13/13 HC
Legion: EN 7/7 M, ToV 1/3 M, NH 8/10 HC

Raid Role
My role as a melee dps is, except for the obvious role of slapping the boss until its dead, to dps prio targets, interrupting important things(such as Carrion swarm on Gul'dan for example). And of course not stand in stupid poo! (although, I have heard the saying: Stand in fire, dps higher! I jest of course! :P)
More specifically as a retri I should communicate and see who would benefit most from my Greater blessings (BoK,BoW). Be ready top throw a LoH or a BoP when called for.
To judge my performance I usually go through logs. For info on changes and gameplay I usually check forums and occasionally poke Elly for info(she has helped me alot over the last few months!). I also sim every gear piece I get to see potential item combos that would be better.

Your Spec
My Ashbringer is at the moment level 47, so only 7 ranks to go!
Well the "rotation" for retri mainly consists of maintaining judgement for spenders, making the most of your Crusade windows (maximizing the amount of TV's you can get in, especially during the last 20ish seconds when you are at your most powerful). Outside of crusade retri pretty much hits like a wet noodle but usually I try and maximize the proc from my legendary cloak to get as many buffed TV's as possible. For multi target pretty much switch TV for DS :P

Stat priorities are not set in stone, they fluctuate depending on your gear. But I suppose for a rough explanation: STR>Haste=Crit=Vers>Mastery
It is very important to sim my items because it fluctuates by quite a bit sometimes! Overall with the nerf to scalings on secondary stats tho, usually a decent ilvl upgrade on an item with STR is an upgrade. Not always tho!

So talents:

Level 15: With the legendary cloak there is really no choice here, spending HP on ES won't be much stronger than a buffed TV anyway, so the clear winner here is Final verdict. There maybe be very rare occasions where consecrate could work, but generally bosses move too much to have 100% uptime on this, and on bosses like ilgy it would just be meter padding.

Level 30: The fires of justice is my preferred talent on this row, and a good default talent overall. It provides the most HP for TV's and the occasional cheaper spender(yay smoother rotation!). When I eventually get the t19 4 set I will be switching to Zeal, because the set bonus will make up for the potential HP loss from the higher CD zeal), and zeal also does more damage as well as cleaving nearby targets (very useful in nighthold overall I have found, not to mention m+).

Level 45: Ah the CC row. Very rarely has any impact in raids, but I usually go with Blinding light because of the rare moment where I got all my generators on CD and got nothing to press. I find it better than just standing around! :P
Another thing that could be good would be fist of justice, reducing the CD of my stun for adds that can be stunned to overall make things nicer (example: adds on xavius if they get a bit close). Repentance has no real use for raiding.

Level 60: Ah the row that I actually switch sometimes! For most NH bosses Divine hammer is just better, since NH has alot of multi targets; adds, council bosses (hello there botanist) and is also not at all far behind Blade of Wrath. For pure single target fights it could be argued that BoW is better (krosus comes to mind, but at the same time theres adds there as well, but they die very quickly). At the moment VB is not viable compared to the other talents.

Level 75: The defensive row. For raiding there is really only 1 choice here, Eye for an Eye. With a 1 minute CD it can provide decent damage reduction against physical damage, 35% to be precise (again, krosus comes to mind with his slam). JV costs HP for a pretty mediocre heal so thats a nono, and Word of Glory also uses HP to heal a few targets for a bit, but not enough to warrant the HP IMO. Pretty nice for m+ tho.

Level 90: On this row there are 2 options really. For progress I usually run with DI, because it can save your ass when you are just taking random damage that you are not expecting. Cavalier can be quite useful for the extra mobility, but should imo be used only when you're completely familiar with the fights so that you know when to bubble yourself.

Level 100: And lastly, the row with only 1 choice! Crusade is by FAR the best option here. Arguably one of the strongest dps cooldowns in the game, this is what makes you hit like a truck. The other talents just cant compete when it comes to damage.

Off-specs and Alternative characters
[How comfortable are you switching to your off-spec for a fight/raid if needed?
My offspecs weapons are not very high ranks yet, with both prot and holy being rank 27. I am however not comfortable with holy whatsoever, I have dabbled in healing before but never really got into it. Protection I have played before, but been a long time since I tanked raids. Back in wotlk was the last time :P

I have a working microphone and I have no issues using it! I regularly check forums (smartphone yay).

Combat Logs
I have a few combat logs from NH normal/HC.

NH Normal:
https://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/d7 ... ne&fight=1

https://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/rt ... cL#fight=1

Your UI
I have no screenshots of raid combat so a target dummy was the option :o. As you can see, it is a modified version of ElvUI. Nothing super fancy but I quite like it. Also it does not flood the screen so I can always see my character.

Guild History
Well since I've been playing since wotlk I cant recall all of the guilds I've been in, but I will list the most recent ones!

The Raven council: In the end of WoD I joined TRCs RG2 and raided HFC HC with them, and went into legion with them as well. But me and a few irl friends (who also happened to be in RG2) felt something was missing, so we took our leave to create:

Bifrost: After TRC RG2 me and a few friends started our own guild to try and see if we could make it work. But we soon found that building a new guild is alot harder than we thought and many of my friends quit. After this I went searching again. and so on to:

The Typhoon struggle: the most recent guild I've been in. I left not because of issues within the guild, but because I wanted to raid with kyre again!
I want to join TRC and RG1 because I want a stable raid team that progresses while still having fun!

Raid availability
The raiding times of RG1 are the same as I had in TTS, so no problemo!

I was in TRC before but in RG2, but this time I heard from Kyrenisah that you need people! He can no doubt vouch for me. Perhaps Elly too! :)

About you
What is there to say, young lad who likes gaming, reading, and hanging out with friends!

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Re: [RG1] Aldron, Ret paladin

Post by Bowick » 02 Feb 2017, 15:37

Hey, thanks for the application!
Give us a little time to review and we'll poke you shortly. :)
Alts: Lacky, Cadwick, Bordello, Filch, Asmo, Tchai

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Re: [RG1] Aldron, Ret paladin

Post by Bowick » 02 Feb 2017, 18:38

<Accepted for trial!>
Alts: Lacky, Cadwick, Bordello, Filch, Asmo, Tchai

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Re: [RG1] Aldron, Ret paladin

Post by Netzach » 16 Feb 2017, 13:32

Trial passed, congratulations!
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Trial passed, congratulations!
