[RG1] Chicken, Windwalker Monk

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Character name: Pollum
Location: Norfolk, England

[RG1] Chicken, Windwalker Monk

Post by Pollum » 18 Jul 2016, 22:14

Who is your character?
Chickén the Windwalker Monk.
(http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/o ... n/advanced)

Who are you?
My name is Adam, i am 25 years old living in Norfolk, England.

To which Raid Group are you Applying?
I am applying for RG1 but if that isn’t possible i would love to also be considered for RG2

My experience as a player only really started towards the middle/end of cata, at this point i focused mainly on PvP with a irl friend, unfortunately the game became stale for him and he decided to quit leaving me to play alone, i jumped between a few social/pvp guilds until i then joined a WPvP guild on Outland alliance, after a few more months due to rl issues i had to take a break, i was able to play again just before the launch of MoP.
When MoP launched i moved from Outland alliance to Outland horde in order to play with some friends that had restarted playing for MoP, i went through the whole leveling experience with them but shortly after hitting level 90 there was only myself and one friend left playing, due to the experience i had with the WPvP previously i joined another WPvP guild and spent the first 3 tiers of MoP moving between servers and factions with the guild. When SoO was released a few of the guild members and i decided that we would like venture into raiding, at this point i had personally completed all LFR raids and was well on the way to getting my legendary cape on 3 characters (monk/hunter/druid). We managed to piece together a raid team within the guild but things didn't really take off, unfortunately there wasn’t enough interest within the guild. For me my real raiding experience started thanks to Oqueue i started joining groups and raiding most weeks with PuGs and quickly started to progress and get better gear, around this time people started to notice the effect that the PvE trinkets were having in PvP fights in the world and this peaked a lot of interest in the guild to start raiding again, this time we started to think about things more seriously and actually decided to merge or raid team with another guild, we started heroic and quickly dispatched of garrosh and moved onto mythic, we ended MoP having killed garrosh although sadly we didn't manage to down him before the stat squish(pre-patch) even though we did have a few attempts. During this time i was playing hunter mainly but also had a Paladin and my Monk in gear sufficient for mythic raiding.
In the lead up to WoD it was again decided that we would continue to raid with the same people from the other guild once highmaul had released, we started some progression and cleared heroic up to imperator and managed to kill the first 2 bosses on mythic, sadly due to rl issues i had to stop playing at this point although the raid team did go onto kill HC imp and progress to 5/7 mythic. When i rejoined the game the team had been disbanded due to the raid leader and few other players moving into a more serious raiding environment at this point HFC had just been released and i was keen to get back into raiding again, i tried to progress as much as possible in PuGs but sadly didn't get very far. At this point there was (and still is) only 1 guild on Outland horde with any progress in HFC, a friend had joined and suggest i do the same if i was serious about raiding.
I joined the guild (my current guild) and quickly got my legendary ring up and running in order to catch up to their main team which had already started heroic progress, i quickly caught up and became a part of the main raid team in time to start attempting archie HC, in time we killed archie HC and the transfer on mythic began, by this point i had fully seated myself within the guild and played a big part in progression, attending every raid and improving my play style/DPS dramatically. We moved through mythic fairly quickly Gorefiend gave us some trouble but not nearly as much as we had thought it would. When we reached progression on Tyrant our team took a big hit in that our raid leader decided he wanted to move onto bigger and better things and left to join a further progressed guild, at this time i also took a break for a month or so, when i came back the guild had progressed further and where starting archimonde progression, i was invited to rejoin the main team but declined as it felt unfair to take someone else's position. I have now killed archie (although only once) unfortunately i'm still missing a kill on xhul, i’ve had a couple of pulls with the guild's second raid team but sadly haven't killed him.

Raid Role
My role within a raid team focuses on performance, i like to ensure that i am up to date with the most recent tactics and feel that if i can play to the best of my ability then it can greatly help the team. MMO Champion and youtube has been my main resource when it comes to learning tactics for boss fights and somewhat for my class too, when it comes to looking for in-depth information about my class i have been using resources such as http://www.walkingthewind.com and since its release i have been active in the Monk general and Windwalker channels on discord, i feel discord is a very good resource, being able to ask for advice from the top players of my class has played a big part in me improving as a player.

Your Spec
I feel at this point in the expansion monks have a very set choice of talents for the most part but i will go into some detail on each tier of talents.

15 - This is an easy tier whenever you are picking chi torpedo you need to be running clerity, outside of chi torpedo builds any will suffice but i tend to stick with tiger's lust for the ability to help other members mobility.
30 - This tier has a couple of choices, personally i like to take chi wave on single target and Chi burst on any cleave/AoE fights.
45- On this tier windwalker avoids power strikes completely, when playing Chi explosion you will be taking Ascension and for single target/serenity builds Chi brew will be the talent choice.
60 - Charging ox wave and leg sweep can be chosen here both do the job it's mostly down to personal preference, i tend to stick with leg sweep but on mannoroth i choose charging ox wave to stun imps at a range.
75 - These are pretty self explanatory, for a fight with high magic damage i take diffuse magic, for fights with high physical damage i take dampen harm, although i've found myself sticking to diffuse magic throughout HFC
90 - What you chose here can affect other tiers too, for single target fights chi torpedo pulls ahead of Xuen when used correctly with Celerity from level 15 talents but unless timings are right and the fight is on farm xuen will be a better choice.
100 - This tier has the biggest effect on the way monks play for AoE fights Chi explosion and for single target fights Serenity.

As the expansion comes to an end a lot of the monks playstyle is built around doing as much damage as possible during soul cap/ring getting a good opener can make or break a fight for monks especially with the very short kill times that are being done now. Outside of the opener the general priority for both chi explosion and serenity are the same, making sure to keep both the tiger palm and rising sun kick buffs up as well as using fists of fury on cooldown, I could go into a lot of detail around the opener for each talent choice but as legion changes are due soon there will be a lot of changes to how monk play. (if you want me to go over in more detail please let me know)

I have been lucky enough to play the beta for around a month now and have windwalker monk there which i have been completing some raid testing in, ive also been keeping track of disscusions on discord and on http://www.walkingthewind.com about talent choices/rotations and artifact paths for Legion, currently the talents of choice for single target will be: Chi Wave/Energizing Elixir/hitcombo/whirling dragon punch and for AoE it will be Chiburst/Energizing Elixir/Rushing Jade Wind/Whirling Dragon Punch, the other talent choices dont change much compared to WoD. in terms of stat priority we will be looking to go for Haste/mastery at 110. This can all change before Legion comes out but currently windwalker is very fun to play and i'm very much looking forward to raiding on it.

Off-specs and Alternative characters
When it comes to off specs i tend to stick to brewmaster for 5 mans, but in a raiding environment i would play mistweaver, there has never been a need for to swap specs currently but i would be willing to take the time to learn whichever was needed the most, all 3 specs are currently looking strong in legion and i enjoy the playstyle of them all.
Although i have a few characters at level 100 i haven’t been in the right environment to play them outside of LFR and few normal/heroic runs, most are PvP geared.

Communication is no problem, i have a headset and i am used to talking/joining discussions i'm happy to get involved with the guild as a whole not just in a raiding aspect.

Combat Logs
https://www.warcraftlogs.com/rankings/c ... 425/latest

Your UI
This is my Ui pre pull for the boss sadly when we pulled i forgot to take a screenshot of the fight in progress, once the pre-patch comes i will be making some changes to my UI to better accommodate the smaller number of abilities so will be happy to provide a new screenshot once that is done over within the next few days

Guild History
As stated in the raid experience section i started in a WPvP guild, the guild i am in currently is ImAtMyMax - Outland - Horde. Overall i have enjoyed my time within the guild but with the launch of legion i am looking for a stable raid platform where i can progress as a player and raid with like minded people, there are also some other reasons which i can discuss in a less public forum if needed.

Raid availability
I am available across the whole current raid schedule and also would be ready for extra nights or longer raids during progression.

I found The Raven Council through WoWProgress but have been aware of the guild for a while thanks to playing on Defias for sometime at the start of WoD. I don't know anyone within the guild but can provide details of my old raid leader if you would like.

About you
I work as a Digital Test Engineer for an insurance company, currently working on their mobile application development team in my free time i am attempting to learn how to develop apps myself starting with learning to code in the c# language. I am a keen cyclist and cycle as much as possible in my free time.

I am primarily looking for a home for legion, although i would be more than happy to complete a trial now. I am aiming to hit Legion head on and focus much more on improving myself as a Monk player. Transferring isn't a problem.

Thanks for taking the time to read over my application, looking forward to hearing back from you.

Posts: 439
Character name: Pemix

Re: [RG1] Chicken, Windwalker Monk

Post by Emz » 18 Jul 2016, 22:30

Thanks for your application just give us some time to review it

Posts: 7
Character name: Pollum
Location: Norfolk, England

Re: [RG1] Chicken, Windwalker Monk

Post by Pollum » 22 Jul 2016, 08:13

Spent some time last night on reworking my UI to work better for prepatch/legion and here is the results https://gyazo.com/6e69147089c7c65ff7f2ad61427706c5

Still have some tweaks to make tonight with how stuff works during fights but will upload the final product tonight/tomorrow morning

Posts: 439
Character name: Pemix

Re: [RG1] Chicken, Windwalker Monk

Post by Emz » 28 Jul 2016, 21:57

Hey sorry for the delay in replying to your application our WW was away and as we wanted to provide the most accurate reply possible we waited for his feed, he is back now and it should be provided in the next few days

Posts: 7
Character name: Pollum
Location: Norfolk, England

Re: [RG1] Chicken, Windwalker Monk

Post by Pollum » 29 Jul 2016, 00:41

Excellent, thanks for the update, look forward to hearing from you soon

Posts: 439
Character name: Pemix

Re: [RG1] Chicken, Windwalker Monk

Post by Emz » 30 Jul 2016, 17:36

Hey we are currently having to decline your application to RG1 due to logs. If you want I can pass your application on to RG2 if that is still a wish? :)

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Re: [RG1] Chicken, Windwalker Monk

Post by Fahranya » 01 Aug 2016, 10:26


Fahranya, leader of RG2 here. Is it still your wish to be considered for our team?

Posts: 7
Character name: Pollum
Location: Norfolk, England

Re: [RG1] Chicken, Windwalker Monk

Post by Pollum » 02 Aug 2016, 22:17

Sorry for only just getting back to you, I've been away over the weekend. Thanks for taking the time to deliberate my app, it's a shame I didn't make the cut. After consideration I have decided that RG2 won't provide what I am looking for in a raiding environment come Legion so would no longer like to be considered.

All the best for raiding in Legion.


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Re: [RG1] Chicken, Windwalker Monk

Post by Xanthi » 02 Aug 2016, 23:48

Good luck on your journey, hope you find a guild you are looking for.

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Re: [RG1] Chicken, Windwalker Monk

Post by Xanthi » 02 Aug 2016, 23:48

<Not recruited>

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Re: [RG1] Chicken, Windwalker Monk

Post by Xanzara » 04 Aug 2016, 17:06

<Reopened due to request>

Posts: 7
Character name: Pollum
Location: Norfolk, England

Re: [RG1] Chicken, Windwalker Monk

Post by Pollum » 04 Aug 2016, 17:40

Thanks for reopening the thread for me Xan.

I'd like to withdraw my previous comment regarding RG2, I have seen that the description has been updated recently and based on the new one I'd be happy to be considered for a spot, my goal for legion is to be able to at least clear heoric and maybe attempt some bosses in mythic.

Of course this all depends on if you will consider for me a spot in RG2 in the first place so please let me know.

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Re: [RG1] Chicken, Windwalker Monk

Post by Xanthi » 06 Aug 2016, 14:17


After discussion we have ok'd on giving you a trial, but the schedule for trials hasn't been set up yet. We will sort this out by/in legion.

As you most likely have been notified, your current name is not something that is viable though, so it has to be changed, but as I know, there are ways to do it, not sure if you get it for free with race/faction/server change but there are other ways to do it when combined with those anyways.

Do reply to this thread so we know you are ok with these terms.

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Re: [RG1] Chicken, Windwalker Monk

Post by Myke » 06 Aug 2016, 15:14


I just wanted to add that in order to get a free name change while transferring a character, you can simply create a new character on the target realm with the original name (provided it doesn't already exist, in which case you're also good) before transferring. Upon completing the transfer, you'll be prompted to pick a new name as the original name will now have been already taken on the target realm.

Posts: 7
Character name: Pollum
Location: Norfolk, England

Re: [RG1] Chicken, Windwalker Monk

Post by Pollum » 06 Aug 2016, 17:16

Thanks very much, name changing wont be a problem so i am happy with the terms.

Chicken#22412 is my battletag if you need to contact me outside of the forums.

What is the next step from here? do i join the guild on a trail basis or wait until i have completed a trail before joining?

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Re: [RG1] Chicken, Windwalker Monk

Post by Jimmble » 06 Aug 2016, 17:22

Yes, you can join right away. Just poke an officer for a ginvite.

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Re: [RG1] Chicken, Windwalker Monk

Post by Jimmble » 10 Aug 2016, 20:35

