[RG1] Finellach, Level 100 Feral/Guardian Druid

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Character name: Finellach
Location: Croatia

[RG1] Finellach, Level 100 Feral/Guardian Druid

Post by Finellach » 12 Oct 2015, 00:52

Who is your character?
My main character is Finellach - Feral/Guardian Druid.
http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/d ... ach/simple

Who are you?
My name is Krunoslav, I am 33yo and I am from Croatia. People in game call me Fin...for obvious reasons.

To which Raid Group are you Applying?

My current raiding experience in WoD is 2/13 Mythic HFC. During Highmaul and BRF I was still gearing myself up since I actually came back (I haven't played since Wrath) to WoW about couple of months before BRF launch.

Prior to that, my raiding experience was a bit back in TBC and WotLK. During TBC I was on another account and mained a Hunter. I cleared Zul'Aman, Karazhan...did a bit of Black Temple. Quit WoW after that due to some RL issues...studies and so on....such was the life of a student. I actually sold my old account not expecting to ever come back.

During Wrath I came back around mid-Naxx patch. I rolled a Druid (my alt in TBC was a Boomkin) with a goal of going Feral this time (although I started as Resto at first) as this was my desire to do so back in TBC but was never really good at it. In any case I cleared Naxx10&25, Ulduar10 and did all on 25 except General and Yogg (since my guild at the time lacked dedicated members) including quite a few hard modes on 10 man, after that I went on to, let's say, more dedicated guilds and cleared ToC (Tribute to Insanity 10&25), ICC10HC and did ICC25HC except LK...along with meta achis (mount) in both Ulduar and ICC 10man. After that my old guild fell apart and I lost interest in the game...coupled with my disappointment with Cataclysm.

Raid Role
Current niche Ferals fill in raids is pretty decent single target dps (could be even described as somewhat tunnel-vision at this moment), high mobility and some minor utility abilities that come along with the Druid class in general. AoE isn't that great atm but it can be viable with certain trinkets, etc.

Preparation is standard...potions, flasks and so on. For enchants and stats I usually check certain theorycrafting websites...but mostly Mr.Robot as it offers most utility and is pretty simple and clear to use. Ofc I always take it with a pinch of salt and test everything beforehand whether on dummy, dungeons and in LFR.

For new stuff ofc I always follow the newest patch notes and then proceed to test them out if it turns out to be something significant. Theorycrafting sites are nice input but of course nothing can replace personal experience and practice.

Your Spec
Rotations for Ferals are pretty much unchanged since Wrath. Keeping Savage Roar (40% dmg buff on all attacks) and bleeds up on the target...optimally 100% uptime. The so-called "snapshotting" is still a thing with ferals...namely applying bleeds with SR up, Tiger's Fury and Bloodtalons which is a 20% dmg buff for next the two attacks...optimally used for Rip and Rake reapply or Ferocious Bite if the Boss is below 25% or one has enough energy. Feral is and always was mostly about managing your energy and using it optimally to maximize your dps. For AoE fights...currently as I mentioned Feral is somewhat gimped in this department however it can viable on shorther fights or fight segments where one can sustain certain AoE rotation...usually on 2-3 targets it is more beneficial to apply Rake (and Rip if possible) rather than going full AoE which becomes more efficient on fights with 4-5 or more targets. From my own testing experience some trinkets can be used to improve Feral AoE such as the Mirror of the Blademaster which is pretty decent for AoE fights and trash.

Current stat priority in general are:
Critical Strike->Mastery->Multistrike->Versatility>Haste
This can be modified depending on whether one goes fully single target or AoE where mastery and multistrike change positions but in general I believe the above mentioned stat priority is generally best....with crit being far above anything else for Ferals.

For glyphs there is only one must-have glyph and that is the Glyph of Savage Roar. The 2nd glyph is Glyph of Cat Form (20% more healing) or Glyph of Ninth Life (10% damage reduction) which are exclusive with each other. Personally I prefer the latter for damage reduction but that is my personal choice. The third glyph is generally a bonus glyph and here the glyph I mostly use is Glyph of Stampeding Roar (Stampeding Roar get's a 40 yard increase) which adds to greater utility for the raid and the movement of the raid. Sometimes I use Glyph of Ferocious Bite which heals me for 1.5% of my total health for each combo point (7.5% for 5 combo point) but that glyph I usually use when doing some solo things or on fights where the Stampeding Roar would not be used such as on (to use HFC as an example) Zakuun or Iskar fight.

For my talent spec I mostly prefer the next composition:
http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/tool/talent ... 211!VghmGw

For first talent I usually prefer Wild Charge as it has lowest cd and frankly a talent I got used to playing with for a long time. However on certain fights it must be said that Displacer Beast can be superior...for example on Zakuun with Seeds of Corruption, Xhul with surges and so on.
Second talent I find Ysera's Gift to be most useful, it's a passive constant utility heal as opposed to other two which are pretty much circumstantial and I dare to say even useless for Ferals.
Third talent...the only choice here was between Mass Entaglement and Typhoon. Both are again mostly circumstantial however I found Typhon to be more useful...for example of Mannoroth fight and Infernals when they get into melee.
Fourth, there isn't much choice by all theorycrafters and my personal testing - Incanartion is by far the best talent in this tree and one of the best talents for the spec in general, specifically used in conjunction with Berserk.
Fifth talent is again rather circumstantial but generally I prefer to go with Mighty Bash as additional stun is never a bad thing to have. Alternative could be Incapacitating Roar however it becomes useless due to fact any dmg interrupts the stun so it is more an interrupt rather than a serious stun.
Sixth talent is very similar to choices Level 30 talents, here are two viable choice IMO and these two are Dream of Cenarius and Nature's Vigil. Heart of the Wild is pure utility that would find it's use very limited in any raiding team and is more a PvP talent than anything. Personally I prefer to go with Dream of Cenarius but Nature's Vigil has some uses like going into Nether's on Archimonde.
The ninth and last talent is similar choice (per effectiveness) to level 60 talents and here Bloodtalons is by far above everything else like Incarnation. There was some utility for Lunar Inspiration during BRF on Maidens however adding another ability which consumes additional energy is not efficient IMO. Claws is IMO purely PvP talent.

Off-specs and Alternative characters
I would say I am relatively confident, however usually (since it's a tank offspec) I prefer to learn and especially experience the fight first before attempting to tank it...unless ofc it's a progress run. I actually used to main a Bear (Guardian) spec during a short period in Wrath (Bear and Cat were one spec that differed only by talent choices) and I still use it when it is needed. I would say I am pretty confident in playing both.

Currently I have only one level 100 alt and that is my Dwarf Hunter Gilgeam. I will be honest here and say I haven't even done heroic dungeons with him...I was never really good at playing alts and I haven't played much with my Hunter...at least not in a serious manner since Wrath and ICC.
http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/d ... eam/simple

Yes I have a mic and yes is the answer to all questions.

Combat Logs
Logs of my ex-guild:

My personal parses:
https://www.warcraftlogs.com/rankings/c ... 80/latest/

Your UI
http://s1292.photobucket.com/user/Smrkl ... sort=3&o=0

I use the relatively old but clean and minimalistic LUI. My raiding screen looks exactly the same except for the group nameplates which disappears in raids.

Guild History
As I have already mentioned I play since TBC, however since that was on a different account and very long time ago "in a universe far far away" I will skip that and focus on this character and this account I have currently.

After Wrath and on this account all my history can be seen on WoW Progress:
http://www.wowprogress.com/character/eu ... /Finellach

Keepers of Mrakness - My first guild in Wrath was "Keepers of Mrakness". I joined this guild totally ungeared and lacking any serious idea of how to play a feral in raids. However as the time passed and I geared up I "grew" to become the guilds top dps but I also often had to play as one of the tanks. It was fun while it lasted but I decided to move on to a more mature guild after a while.

Grove of Eternal Balance/Surreality. I joined them with my friend (she actually recruited me to Keepers in first place) and it was probably the friendliest guild I have ever been in. There is no such thing as a "perfect guild" but if I had to choose one that came really close to it - it would be it. The reason why there are two names here is that there was some difference of opinions on the direction the guild was taking between the officers and then acting GM and the entire officer core decided to start anew along with the entire raiding core which decided to follow...and they founded a new guild called "Surrealiy". IMO I see it as the same guild with a different name minus the ex-gm who I haven't even get to know..."the rift" happened like a week after I joined. But anyway I completely stand by my words of praise...it was mature, fun and relaxing....and we had a decent progress.

Revelations - I joined this guild on the encouragement by my "guildies" in Surreality. At the time Revelations was by far the top guild on the server. I haven't spent a lot of time with this guild, it was a good guild which focused a lot on progress and being the top however I really missed my old guild and the people in it and decided to go back and help them in ICC before Cata launch.

After Cata launch my guild (Surreality) started to fall apart due to people losing interest, including myself and I decided it would be for the best if I would take a break. I also had some RL obligations and so I quit. The so-called break however turned into almost 5 year absence to a point I thought I would never come back...although I did come back here and there (on 7-day free) to check things out and my char mainly spent that time being in The New Expedition which was now led by my already mentioned friend from KoM and Surr.

After my return to WoW in Warlords I was again in TNE where I leveled and geared...somewhat, however the guild was inactive and most of the time I was the only one playing. I decided after some time that I will return for good and start playing actively again so I looked for a more active guild...this is where Resentful came about. They took me in with full blue gear and carried me into Highmaul. Later did BRF HC with them and we ultimately started cleared HFC and even did two bosses on Mythic. Like with KoM I rose relatively quick and became one of the top dps in the guild while also acting as a tank when we missed people or in runs helping gearing new members.

Raid availability
Yes, the raid time is basically identical to raid times I had in my previous guild. I can usually make it any day as long as it's after 1900hrs.

I actually remember this guild from Wrath but I believe back then it was a smaller guild focusing on 10 man. I always liked the name if that matters anything. Currently one of your members is Tufib...I have known him (or about him) for quite some time...used to AFK with him in Dalaran and I was also in Revelations with him in that short period. :mrgreen:

About you
Usually I don't like to talk about myself but I would say I am somewhat reserved (until I get to know people) and idealistic person (despite my relatively mature age). I also prefer direct and polite communication, if I am wrong or failing in something I prefer to be told so rather than patronizing me or something similar. Personally I always follow the "treat others as you want to be treated" principle which I believe is applicable universally in everything. Other than that I like everything young people like.... :mrgreen:

I forgot to add this above when talking about my rotation so I'll just leave it here.
http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-hC3OuMT7nwE/U ... madden.jpg

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Re: [RG1] Finellach, Level 100 Feral/Guardian Druid

Post by Jimmble » 12 Oct 2015, 17:06

Thank you for the application, please give us some time to review it.

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Re: [RG1] Finellach, Level 100 Feral/Guardian Druid

Post by Jimmble » 16 Oct 2015, 17:52

<recruited for training leatherworking>
