[RG2] Smobry , Fury Warrior

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Character name: Smobry
Location: Bulgaria

[RG2] Smobry , Fury Warrior

Post by Smobry » 08 Jul 2015, 12:17

Who is your character?
Smobry , a fury warrior with os Protection - http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/d ... bry/simple

Who are you?
My name is Dobromir , Im from Bulgaria and Im 20 years old. I am a pretty normal guy , I like going out with friends , playing games and listening to music.

To which Raid Group are you Applying?
Im applying to RG2 , mostly because Im not geared for the main group and Im still not confident enough in raiding HFC.

Ive killed Imperator in Heroic Mode during WoD. I have realm first Yogg-Saron Hard Mode , Halion 25 Heroic ,Lich King 25 heroic and Deathwing 25 heroic on some private servers as a warrior ( Fury in Wotlk , arms in Cata ) . I have never played MoP. I joined retail in May . Now im looking forward to raiding with a nice guild with superior players.

Raid Role
Well as a dps I have always been negative to the "dps whoring tactic" - when you ignore any possibility of the boss to kill you, just to not ruin your dps. In preparation for a raid I think its my duty to buy all the consumatives for my spec and class - pots , flasks , etc. Im judging my performance on the basis of how the other warriors in the raid perform. If they are outdpsing me then I have to improve myself. I keep myself updated about my class , by reading guides in Icy-Veins or watching some videos in Youtube or watching Bajheera playing PvE.

Your Spec
Well as I start a fight Im using Charge then Im activating my CDs macro for Bloodbath and Recklessness , then I use Bloodthirst. In most of the times I get enraged by Bloodthirst , but if I dont I have to use Berserker Rage ( the alternative way to be enraged) . Then depending on the procs I have priorities . If Sudden Death procs I use Execute asap since its the best dmg dealing ability . If Sudden Death hasnt proced I go for Raging Blow as it will be proced for sure , since it procs when I get enraged. Then Im going to use Storm Bolt/Dragon Roar depending on what Ive picked for a certain encounter. Then in the priority list comes Wild Strike , the only time that Wild Strike comes to number 1 in the priority list is when you have 90+ rage , in that case I use Wild Strike as much times that I should , cuz every rage capping is a dps loss. For AoE I pick different talents - Dragon Roar , Brostorm , Ravager. And I use the enhanced Whirlwind that gives me the chance of hitting 1 or 3 more targets with my Raging Blow. As for the stat priority my list looks like this Strength - Crit- Mastery - Multistrike - Haste - Versatility . I normally pick AM for longer fights since the amount of the cooldown it resets is amazing , for shorter fights I prefer Siegebraker ( thats for lvl 100 talent ) . For lvl 90 I tested both Bloodbath and Avatar and I think Bloodbath is better , ofc for aoe Bladestorm is ze best. For lvl 75 Vigilance is my personal favourite . Other talents are smth warrior uses and theres not doubt which are the best - Sudden Death , Enraged Regeneration , Double time . Theres only one thing I change and that is the lvl 60 talent. I normally pick Stormbolt for single target fights and Dragon Roar for AoE fights. As for glyphs , when I started playing WoD I was amazed how glyphs are totally different from what ive seen in Cata/Wotlk . Most of them are useless , the only useful glyphs I saw were Unending rage , Bull rush and enraged speed. Glyph of Rude Interuption is a good choice aswell for fight that you neeed to interupt smth.

Off-specs and Alternative characters
I have OS Protection , tho Ive used it only to solo some raids like Firelands and BoT. If Im needed as a tank I can easily watch 1-2 guides and tank, its not a problem.I have no alts , tho Im planning on lvlung up a dk.

I have a microphone and I can easily communicate with you guys. I have always liked posting in the forums of my previous guilds.

Combat Logs
Im sorry but I cannot show you any logs since I didnt raid with some guild which uses this thing.

Your UI

Guild History
I am currently in a guild called Ethernal Dust , but its not rly a raiding guild. I have never been in other guilds on retail.

Raid availability
I can raid with u during that times.

About you
Well I said some things about myself in the first part of my application, but okay. I like rap music - Eminem , 2pac , Dr.Dre . I have a girlfriend :D I like playing basketball , football and watching them as well.

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Re: [RG2] Smobry , Fury Warrior

Post by Zarell » 08 Jul 2015, 12:57

Hey Smobry

Thank you for the application, please give us some time to review it.

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Re: [RG2] Smobry , Fury Warrior

Post by Zarell » 09 Jul 2015, 10:43

Hey Smobry

Sorry we are taking so long with the application, you application into the guild has been approved by the officers and short gnomes. We just waiting for the Rg2 leader to confirm available spots in Rg2, unfortunately he was tricked by one of our alchemist masters into drinking some potion that "restores health"...

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Re: [RG2] Smobry , Fury Warrior

Post by Jimmble » 09 Jul 2015, 18:05

